I agree that you only seem to need one form. If this is the case there 
should not be problems. Can you confirm?


On Sunday, 10 August 2014 12:58:06 UTC-5, Drew Howell wrote:
> The purpose of the app/page is to track progress of a workout routine. It 
> is a 5 week / 35 day schedule. I have all the "static" information stored 
> in the table (Day, Week, Workout Name), but there are 2 other fields in the 
> table that would need to be updated: "rating" which is where you rate your 
> performance (1-4) entered via radio buttons, and "completed" which can be 
> either 0, 1, or 2 (0=complete, 1=current, 2=locked) and is automatically 
> changed to 0 when the form is submitted.
> I am generating the page by iterating through the records in the table and 
> displaying them (see here for example 
> <https://drewhowell.pythonanywhere.com/TwoFiveTracker/default/workouts.html>).
> I realize now that I really only need 1 form, which is for the current day. 
> The user will select a radio button and click submit. It should then update 
> the "rating" field as well as the "completed" field. After the form is 
> submitted the page is generated again, but the next day will be the 
> "current" day with the form. I apologize if that's confusing, but the best 
> way to understand it is looking at the example 
> <https://drewhowell.pythonanywhere.com/TwoFiveTracker/default/workouts.html>
> .
> This is what I'm doing in my workouts.html View:
> {{for row in rows:}}
>     {{if row.complete == 0:}}
>         // completed day layout
>     {{elif row.complete == 1:}}
>         // current day layout
>         {{=form}}
>     {{else:}}
>         ///locked day layout
>     {{pass}}
> {{pass}}
> On Sunday, August 10, 2014 1:27:17 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> That's it then. You cannot have multiple forms on the same type on one 
>> page unless they refer to different tables. There are other ways but it 
>> really depends on what you are trying to do. Can you explain in words what 
>> is the page supposed to do.
>> On Sunday, 10 August 2014 11:11:05 UTC-5, Drew Howell wrote:
>>> I made the changes and switched to using {{=form}}, but It's still 
>>> creating a new record. I just realized I didn't post a part of the view 
>>> that might be causing the issue. I have multiple forms on a single page.
>>> ...
>>> {{=for row in rows:}}
>>>     {{=form}}
>>> {{pass}}
>>> ...
>>> Could that be causing the issue? I went ahead and uploaded what I have 
>>> to Python Anywhere to help illustrate what I'm trying to do. You can check 
>>> it out here 
>>> <https://drewhowell.pythonanywhere.com/TwoFiveTracker/default/workouts> 
>>> (the 
>>> layout is slightly broken because of the vertical radio buttons, but that 
>>> will be fixed next).
>>> On Saturday, August 9, 2014 10:33:02 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>>> One problem is that you want to select after you process the form:
>>>> def workouts():
>>>>     r = db.workouts(request.args(0))
>>>>     form = SQLFORM(db.workouts, r).process()
>>>>     if form.accepted:
>>>>        response.flash = 'form accepted'
>>>>     elif form.errors:
>>>>        response.flash = 'form has errors'
>>>>     rows = db(db.workouts).select()
>>>>     return locals()
>>>> Also instead of using a custom form (unless you really need one), I 
>>>> suggest you do {{=form}} in view and 
>>>> make the fields that you do not need in the form Field(..., 
>>>> readable=False, writable=False)
>>>> On Saturday, 9 August 2014 20:01:51 UTC-5, Drew Howell wrote:
>>>>> I'm new to Web2Py, so I am creating a (what I thought was a) simple 
>>>>> app that tracks progress of a workout routine. I have a database 
>>>>> (db.workouts) that has information such as Workout Name, Rating, 
>>>>> Completed, 
>>>>> etc. I have 2 fields(rating, completed) I would like to update via a 
>>>>> form. 
>>>>> I have tried a couple different methods, but can't seem to get anything 
>>>>> to 
>>>>> work correctly. The other fields are already entered in the table and 
>>>>> should not be changed.
>>>>> "Rating" should be updated by a set of radio buttons and "Completed" 
>>>>> should be set to 0 when the form is submitted (0=complete, 1=current, 
>>>>> 2=locked). I have created the form, but have done something wrong 
>>>>> because, 
>>>>> when it is submitted, a new record is created rather than updating the 
>>>>> existing one. 
>>>>> *Here is my code:*
>>>>> *Model:*
>>>>> db.define_table('workouts',
>>>>>                 Field('stage'),
>>>>>                 Field('w', type="integer"),
>>>>>                 Field('workout'),
>>>>>                 Field('complete', type="integer"),
>>>>>                 Field('d', type="integer"),
>>>>>                 Field('rating', requires=IS_IN_SET([1, 2, 3, 4 ]), 
>>>>> widget=SQLFORM.widgets.radio.widget),
>>>>>                 auth.signature
>>>>>                 )
>>>>> *Controller:*
>>>>> def workouts():
>>>>>     rows = db(db.workouts).select()
>>>>>     r = db.workouts(request.args(0))
>>>>>     form = SQLFORM(db.workouts, r)
>>>>>     if form.process().accepted:
>>>>>        response.flash = 'form accepted'
>>>>>     elif form.errors:
>>>>>        response.flash = 'form has errors'
>>>>>     return locals()
>>>>> *View:*
>>>>> ...
>>>>> {{=form.custom.begin}}
>>>>>     {{=form.custom.widget.rating}}
>>>>>     {{=form.custom.submit}} 
>>>>> {{=form.custom.end}}
>>>>> ...
>>>>> As I mentioned earlier, I am new and I may be going about this 
>>>>> completely the wrong way. So any help would be greatly appreciated. I can 
>>>>> provide more information if needed. Thanks.

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