I have made much progress on this since I posted and it got approved.

1) I was using python syntax in a bash script... :-) I removed the () and 
switched to single quotes.
DAEMON_ARGS='web2py.py -a "t3st3st" -i -p 8000
-c /usr/share/ssl-cert/server.crt -k /usr/share/ssl-cert/server.key

2) the version of web2py in python-web2py from apt-get was old. I deleted 
/usr/sahrewb2py and then downloaded and copied web2py from github to 

It still fails when I try /etc/init.d/web2py start, but now I am at least 
getting useful errors.

root@bbbrevc:/# /etc/init.d/web2py status
web2py.service - LSB: web2py initscript
          Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/web2py)
          Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat, 09 Aug 2014 
16:27:38 -1000; 4min 40s ago
         Process: 4552 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/web2py start (code=exited, 
          CGroup: name=systemd:/system/web2py.service

Aug 09 16:27:38 bbbrevc web2py[4552]: Starting Web Framework: web2pychown: 
Aug 09 16:27:38 bbbrevc web2py[4552]: start-stop-daemon: user 'web2py' not 
Aug 09 16:27:38 bbbrevc web2py[4552]: failed!

Have to run out but I'll be back online in a few hours and back at this... 
if anyone has a suggestion still would love the help.


On Saturday, August 9, 2014 1:12:41 PM UTC-10, Patrick Walters wrote:
> I'm setting up on a BeagleBone Black Rev C running Debian and following 
> along with the book where I can.
> I should mentions I installed web2py using apt-get and my Debian is Wheezy.
> I never use the desktop on my BBB, so I want everything to work without 
> GUI.
> I was able to run web2py from the CLI and now I want to set it up to run 
> as a service. The python-web2py in debian doesn't include the scripts 
> directory (that I can find) so I grabbed 
> https://github.com/web2py/web2py/blob/master/scripts/web2py.ubuntu.sh and 
> modified it for debian replacing the 
> DAEMON_DIR=/usr/lib/$NAMEwith DAEMON_DIR=/usr/share/$NAME
> when I run that /etc/init.d/web2py start I get all the same GTK errors 
> when I try to run it from the CLI without specifying a password. So, just 
> to try this out, I modified
> DAEMON_ARGS="web2py.py --password=<recycle> --pid_filename=$PIDFILE"to 
> have ALL the CLI argument I passed when I was able to run it manually.
> DAEMON_ARGS=("web2py.py --nogui -a 'password' -i -p 8000 " +
> "-c /usr/share/ssl-cert/server.crt -k /usr/share/ssl-cert/ssl/server.key" +
> " --pid_filename=$PIDFILE")
> I even added in --nogui for safe measure, but i'm still getting the GTK 
> errors when I run /etc/init.d/web2py start.
> Any suggestions or pointers for more information would be very helpful. 
> Thanks,
> -p

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