Bleeding edge in terms of enterprise means something completely different 
then on a personal device. If they are running CentOS or Red Hat or 
Scientific Linux then they are a good step towards running a solid 
enterprise IT system, so good for them. In their case, beeing bleeding edge 
means testing available alpha and beta releases of those OSes as they 
emerge, instead of adopting a couple of years after a stable release.

On the other hand, for a personal device, being bleeding edge and keeping 
one's sanity at the same time means running Arch on a laptop. If the sanity 
requirement is omitted, one can go with Slackware. The danger is, one's 
head might overload with GNU/linux knowledge enough to spin and explode. 
Well... in any case, Fedora is for sissies. :)

Anyway, seriously, Fedora isn't bleeding edge for more than a pre-alha to 
alpha period. Then it gets boringly stable. Which is a good thing if you 
need to have some actual work done.

Being sane and bleeding edge at the same time is also running web2py from 
the trunk. I usually look at the last commits and sometimes skip an update 
or two, but most of the time I don't use anything else than trunk 
everywhere. Which probably means web2py's public releases could be a lot 
more frequent.


On Friday, August 8, 2014 2:34:33 AM UTC+2, Dave S wrote:
> On Thursday, August 7, 2014 7:43:57 AM UTC-7, Jim S wrote:
>> Speaking as an employee of a modern agri-business company, using web2py, 
>> from the midwest, with windows xp a distant memory, I can tell you that 
>> your stereotypes are pretty far off.  Seems to me there is a lot of tall 
>> corn right down in Illinois near where Massimo started web2py.
>> -Jim
> Well, if they are running Centos or RedHat, then they are a good step back 
> from the bleeding edge.  But I'm not really in a position to toss pebbles; 
> I only retired my Ice Cream Sandwich phone this spring, my laptop is a 3 
> year-old i5, and I use a Fedora 16 system as a key workstation.  And since 
> I'm no good at maintaining heavy machinery, I use duct tape rather than 
> baling wire.  No XP, though, and I have at least used W8.1 in the lab.
> (Not sure how edgy AIX/AS400 users are ... but I do remember the 
> commercials IBM put out a couple of Olympics ago.)
> /dps
>> On Tuesday, August 5, 2014 2:35:50 AM UTC-5, Joe Barnhart wrote:
>>> I look forward to Massimo's improvements.
>>> One of the continuing thorns in my side is that a significant number of 
>>> my users are still on XP and IE8 -- about 15% -- and my users are in 
>>> California.  I can only imagine the ratio would be higher in middle America 
>>> where the tall corn grows.  I could choose to ignore these users, but they 
>>> have money to spend and I want to get it.
>>> As we move to more client-heavy designs, it means more javascript and 
>>> more chances that it won't run in antique computers.  I can't leave 15% of 
>>> my revenue on the table.  
>>> On the other hand, more and more of my users are on mobile platforms, 
>>> which fits perfectly with the heavy client approach.
>>> Arrrrgh!
>>> -- Joe
>>> On Monday, June 9, 2014 5:01:39 AM UTC-7, Ramos wrote:
>>>> what is the status of the evolution of web2py compared with other, 
>>>> mainly rails /or django ?
>>>> which of these including web2py has gain more improvements over the 
>>>> last year?
>>>> Does anybody knows?
>>>> Is still web2py over the others?
>>>> From the beginning Massimo used the phrase
>>>> "Ideas we had , ideas we stole"
>>>> I would like to know if Massimo  is stealing more ideas from others.
>>>> Also what new "Killer" ideas are we expecting for near future?
>>>> Regards
>>>> António

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