Yes, thank you, it is the second way to get. First, as I understand it is 
more suitable for the form, which is filled. 

The only time The blue button is turned. And underlined font, that I did 
not point

суббота, 2 августа 2014 г., 22:43:00 UTC+3 пользователь Massimo Di Pierro 
> form = FORM()
> makes a form but you are making a form that contains no 
> input/select/texarea/buttons.
> form.add_button('Click', URL ('first'))
> adds a button after the submit button in the previous form, but that form 
> does not have a submit button.
> If you really want a form, you should put something in the form:
> form = FORM(INPUT(_type=Submit")
> form.add_button('Click', URL ('first'))
> or do not use a form but, for example, a DIV
> form = DIV()
> form.append(A('Click', _href=URL ('first')))
> On Saturday, 2 August 2014 12:58:04 UTC-5, wrote:
>> Good evening, I just started learning this fremvork because questions 
>> may seem childish, but still. 
>> task: 
>> Create a jump button (just to another page) 
>> My solution, I wrote a similar code kontoroller
>> def index (): 
>>      form = FORM () 
>>      form.add_button ('Click', URL ('first')) 
>>      return dict (form = form) 
>> the error is 
>> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'parent'
>> Although the official documentation of such a method is listed as a way 
>> to create simple buttons. I would be grateful for your help

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