If you are looking for a plain html page for user landing and expect web2py 
or other frameworks to suit your taste, you are probably looking in the 
wrong place. Build with plain html and your pages will be plain html. Build 
with web2py / ROR / django or other frameworks and you will have to learn 
how they work that makes it a beautiful experience to code in, which I must 
say, is worth every extra bit of effort -- unless you are building a small 
site with static pages.

If you are referring to a plain HTML page for a 404 or other errors, you 
can configure web2py to do that. The file will reside in 
static/your_page.html and you can call it anything you want. See routes.py 
/ routes_onerror in the book or on this groups.

If you are asking how you can quickly and easily insert your carousel from 
a plain html into web2py so that it works -- it does not take additional 
time other than copy-paste. I'm assuming you have built and tested your 
carousel on your plain html page.

If your web2py app crashes (runs into an error / creates a ticket), and 
before that it was working, it would be because of the code you just 
changed. Change it back and the app will work. Make your changes in 
localhost and test before you push to production. Web2py never failed me on 

On Monday, July 14, 2014 11:43:57 AM UTC+8, Alex Glaros wrote:
> Are there reasons for not using a plain HTML page for user landing page 
> and having links from it to the w2p app?
>  Index.html would be normal HTML file, not within w2p 
> \...\web2py\applications\myProgram\views\default folder.
>  Main reason I'm considering this that carousel is easier to set up like 
> in Twitter's demo, than to integrate into w2p. I'm a beginner w2p 
> programmer and would take a while...
>  Another reason is that if my w2p app crashes, I can easily update plain 
> HTML page with user news updates or redirect while trying to fix the app.
>  thanks
>  Alex Glaros

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