Do not do dal queries in a try..except. If the db query fails it may not be 
automatically rolled back.
I think you want:

category = request.args(0) and db.blog_cat(slug=request.args(0))
query = db.blog_post.blog_cat.contains( if category else 
posts = db(query).select(orderby=~db.blog_post.created_on)

Now notice that this works db.blog_post.blog_cat.contains(
and it may be fine for a small number of posts but for many posts you may 
want to use a link table to implement many2many.

On Saturday, 12 July 2014 05:04:45 UTC-5, Ruud Schroen wrote:
> Hi group!
> I'm building a small blog where the user has the ability to assign 
> multiple categories to blog posts.
> My quesition is.. what is the proper way to query those posts?
> db.define_table('blog_cat',
>                 Field('name', 'string', label=T('Name of the category')),
>                 Field('slug', compute=lambda r: IS_SLUG()(r['name'])[0]),
>                 Field('description', 'string', label=T('Describe what will 
> be inside this category'))
>                 )
> db.define_table('blog_post',
>                 Field('blog_cat', 'list:reference blog_cat', 
> requires=IS_IN_DB(db,,'%(name)s', multiple=True), 
> label=T('Chose one or more categories')),
>                 Field('title', 'string', label=T('Name the title of your 
> post')),
>                 Field('body', 'text', label=T('Your post'), 
> widget=ckeditor.widget),
>                 auth.signature
>                 )
> I created two categories and two posts. One post only has one category 
> while the other has two.
> This is my query:
> try:
>     category = db(db.blog_cat.slug==request.args(0)).select().first().id
>     posts = db(db.blog_post.blog_cat == 
> category).select(orderby=~db.blog_post.created_on)
> except:
>     posts = db(>0).select(orderby=~db.blog_post.created_on)
> The problem is when a post has multiple categories, it is not shown. How 
> do I solve this?

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