Can you try:


It is not finding the file.

On Thursday, 10 July 2014 03:56:37 UTC-5, Kuba Kozłowicz wrote:
> I have following project structure:
> T:/MyFolder/
> T:/MyFolder/etc/
> I am trying to run the instance with following command:
> C:\Python27\python.exe T:/MyFolder/ --config=
> 'T:/MyFolder/etc/'
> And I am getting following response:
> Cannot import config file ['T:/MyFolder/etc/']
> Could you please provide one, complete example of a command, that can run 
> the instance from command line and loads the setttings from a config file?
> I couldn't find anything neither in the docs nor in the web.
> W dniu środa, 9 lipca 2014 14:04:20 UTC+2 użytkownik Massimo Di Pierro 
> napisał:
>> You should in fact use a different filename for your --config. The 
>> paramater_<>.py file is meant to contain only the password and it can be 
>> overwritten by web2py if you change your password using the admin interface.
>> On Tuesday, 8 July 2014 06:40:20 UTC-5, Kuba Kozłowicz wrote:
>>> I am trying to run web2py application from command line with such a 
>>> command:
>>> C:\Python27\python.exe T:/MyFolder// -a '<recycle>' --config=
>>> and I have specified my application's settings in the file called 
>>> "":
>>> password=
>>> "pbkdf2(1000,20,sha512)$9b51a45d2413e210$cc5ea267ebe279f1af5dedf3710b3c9e95cf4f8e"
>>> port = 8080
>>> ip = ''
>>> 1. Whenever I enter one of my application's page, this the file 
>>> "" gets cleard so that only password field stays inside 
>>> it. Why does this happen?
>>> I think the docs do not specify clearly how to use '<recycle>' and what 
>>> is going on here.
>>> 2. Is it possible to specify that config file somewhere else than in 
>>> project's root folder and named as "parameters_<port>.py" ? I want to 
>>> create a folder called "etc" in my application and put config there.

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