Anthony <abastardi@...> writes:

> If your going to use the web2py FORM or SQLFORM functionality, then the 
same code both defines and processes the form, so self submission makes 
sense. If you would rather build all of your form creation and processing 
code from scratch, then sure, do whatever you want. Anthony

That's the issue really - whether my design lends itself to self-submisson 
and if not whether not using those features of web2py that are built around 
self-submission rather reduce the benefits of using web2py at all.
It's not that I cannot see a way to use self-submission but there are then 
oddities - well they seem so to me - I notice that the book says:

"Pre-populating the form

It is always possible to pre-populate a form using the syntax: = 'fieldvalue'

Statements like the one above must be inserted after the form declaration 
and before the form is accepted, whether or not the field ("name" in the 
example) is explicitly visualized in the form."

and to use the example from a few lines earlier:

def display_form():
   record = db.person(request.args(0)) or redirect(URL('index'))
   url = URL('download')
   link = URL('list_records', args='db')
   form = SQLFORM(db.person, record, deletable=True,
                  upload=url, linkto=link)

# pre-population would go here ?!

   if form.process().accepted:
       response.flash = 'form accepted'
   elif form.errors:
       response.flash = 'form has errors'
   return dict(form=form)

in the example that I was thinking about that would involve a couple of DB 
reads followed by the form.vars... assignments. Now if the same code is 
then executed after submission how do these statements get handled ? I can 
only suppose that re-executing the form=SQLFORM(...) has some magic in it, 
but presumably not in the DB access and the form... assignments.
How does it deal with those ?

I've been otherwise occupied in the past few days and still haven't 
actually done any work wit web2py yet...


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