I added Hypermedia API support to web2py using Collection+JSON. Experimental. Collection+JSON is a standard for self documenting RESTful API. Read more: http://amundsen.com/media-types/collection/
Example ========= Let's say you have a model: db.define_table('thing',Field('name')) and in controller default.py you add def api(): from gluon.contrib.hypermedia import Collection rules = { 'thing': { 'GET':{'query':None,'fields':['id', 'name']}, 'POST':{'query':None,'fields':['name']}, 'PUT':{'query':None,'fields':['name']}, 'DELETE':{'query':None}, }} return Collection(db).process(request,response,rules) And now by magic your table "thing" is fully exposed using the Collection+JSON API. The API is self documenting and supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. For example you can do things like: curl curl curl curl curl -X POST -d name="Box" curl -X PUT -d name="Chair" ?name=Box curl -X DELETE The API are completely self documenting as explained here http://amundsen.com/media-types/collection/ It is customizable ============== rules = { 'thing': { 'GET':{'query':None,'fields':['id', 'name']}, 'POST':{'query':None,'fields':['name']}, 'PUT':{'query':None,'fields':['name']}, 'DELETE':{'query':None}, }} Let you specify which tables are exposed, which methods are available and which fields are exposed for each method. The query property lets you specify optional filters for example { 'query':db.thing.name.startswith('A'),....} will only exposed things starting with letter A. Fields can be conditional and different for different users or for the same user in different stages of a workflow (the communication is stateless, but the server is not). Supports complex queries ===================== http:/...../{table} http:/...../{table}/{id} http:/...../{table}?{field}=value http:/...../{table}?{field}.gt=value # field>value http:/...../{table}?{field}.le=value # field<=value ... http:/...../{table}?_orderby={field} http:/...../{table}?_limitby=value http:/...../{table}?_offset=value ... and combinations there of. They are mapped directly into DAL queries. More examples are in the API response itself. The bigger picture =============== This API provide enough information to generate forms and tables and grid completely client side. Recently we stumbled against the problem of moving from Bootstrap 2 to Bootstrap 3 because so much of the form and grid logic is server side. My plan is to move most of the logic in the JS library and allow users to customize them for different CSS frameworks. Eventually (in dreams) I would like to have a very slim framework based on bottle+dal+validators+auth+collection and have client side only templates (based on jquery, sugar, and ractive.js) that can generate forms and grids based the collection API. This framework could ship with web2py and allow you to program using same web interface that we all love. There are many design decisions to make to get there. Your suggestions are welcome. How can you help? =============== 1) test it. 2) there are many existing client side tools for Collection+JSON. Try them with web2py. 3) blog about it and suggest improvements. I said, it is experimental =================== Collection+JSON has limits: - it is very verbose JSON. This is my my implementation has compact=True option that breaks the protocol but makes much smaller JSON messages. - it does not convey field type information and constraints. This is why I extended to do so but more work is needed because DAL types do not map into HTML5 input types (this of list:string or list:reference). More extensions of the protocol are required. Extensions are allowed. Yet they may change the API in the near future. Massimo -- Resources: - http://web2py.com - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation) - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code) - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues) --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to web2py+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.