Not sure I understand the question. After

if form.accepts(...)
    # here you can use

On Jun 2, 3:31 pm, Bill <> wrote:
> How do I use lambda to retrieve the most recent id in conjunction with
> the guestbook code below?
> Would like to update my users table with a reference id to their
> guestbook entry.
> In order store the guestbook entry id, I need to have a reference
> id.   I am not sure how to obtain this.
> One idea would be to grab it at login and save as a session variable.
> Please give me some insight.  The reference below has given me ideas,
> but I seem to be unable to use it.
> form=SQLFORM(db.guestbook,fields=['url','title','location'])
>     form.vars.client_ip=request.env.remote_addr
>     (latitude, longitude) = geocode(form.vars.location)
>     form.vars.lon=longitude
>     if form.accepts(request.vars,session):
>         session.flash=' Guest Book Completed.Now YOU are on the map! '
>         redirect(URL(r=request,f='index',args=
> [form.vars.filecabinet]))
>     return dict(form=form)
> Reference:
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