The code is from:

I want to access a web2py application with the URL:


using apache and mod-wsgi.

El viernes, 13 de junio de 2014 18:58:02 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro escribió:
> What are you trying to do? This is not web2py code.
> On Friday, 13 June 2014 05:59:53 UTC-5, Alfonso Pastor Sierra wrote:
>> Hello, editing /var/web2py/ and commenting two lines:
>>  def start_response(self, status, headers, info=None):
>>         # rewrite redirect URLs, so external referencens have the 
>> SCRIPT_NAME prefix
>>         if not status.startswith('3'):
>>             return self._start_response(status, headers, info)
>>         # status: 3xx (redirect)
>>         _headers = []
>>         for key, value in headers:
>>            # if key == 'Set-Cookie':
>>                 # don't modify the cookie, it already has a modified 
>> location
>>                 #return self._start_response(status, headers, info)
>>             # relative URLs start with '/', absolute URLs start with 
>> 'http'
>>             if key == 'Location' and value.startswith('/'):
>>                 value = self.script_name + value
>>             _headers.append((key, value))
>>         return self._start_response(status, _headers, info)
>> it runs without errors.
>> Why?
>> El domingo, 1 de junio de 2014 13:06:18 UTC+2, Alfonso Pastor Sierra 
>> escribió:
>>> Hello, 
>>> I have a web2py application with apache:
>>> cat /etc/apache2/conf.d/controlies-apache 
>>>         WSGIScriptAlias /controlies /var/web2py/
>>>         WSGIDaemonProcess web2py user=www-data group=www-data \
>>>                           home=/var processes=5 \
>>>                           maximum-requests=10000 \
>>>                           threads=1
>>>         <Location "/controlies">
>>>             Order deny,allow
>>>             Allow from all
>>>             WSGIProcessGroup web2py
>>>         </Location>
>>> With Debian Squeeze when I run:
>>> # wget http://ldap/controlies
>>> The result is:
>>> --2014-05-31 21:10:19--  http://ldap/controlies
>>> Resolviendo ldap...
>>> Connecting to ldap||:80... conectado.
>>> *Petición HTTP enviada, esperando respuesta... 303 SEE OTHER*
>>> *Localización: 
>>> /controlies/init/default/user/login?_next=/controlies/init/default/index 
>>> [siguiendo]*
>>> *--2014-05-31 21:10:19-- 
>>> http://ldap/controlies/init/default/user/login?_next=/controlies/init/default/index
>>> <http://ldap/controlies/init/default/user/login?_next=/controlies/init/default/index>*
>>> *Reusing existing connection to ldap:80.*
>>> *Petición HTTP enviada, esperando respuesta... 200 OK*
>>> Longitud: 12488 (12K) [text/html]
>>> Saving to: `controlies'
>>> 100%[=====================>] 12.488      --.-K/s   in 0s      
>>> 2014-05-31 21:10:19 (803 MB/s) - `controlies' saved [12488/12488]
>>> But, after upgrading the server to Debian Wheezy when I run:
>>> #wget http://ldap/controlies
>>> The result is:
>>> --2014-05-31 21:12:03--  http://ldap/controlies
>>> Resolviendo ldap...
>>> Connecting to ldap||:80... conectado.
>>> *Petición HTTP enviada, esperando respuesta... 303 SEE OTHER*
>>> *Localización: /init/default/user/login?_next=/init/default/index 
>>> [siguiendo]*
>>> *--2014-05-31 21:12:03-- 
>>>  http://ldap/init/default/user/login?_next=/init/default/index 
>>> <http://ldap/init/default/user/login?_next=/init/default/index>*
>>> *Reusing existing connection to ldap:80.*
>>> *Petición HTTP enviada, esperando respuesta... 404 Not Found*
>>> *2014-05-31 21:12:03 ERROR 404: Not Found.*
>>> From the web browser the error is:
>>> Not Found
>>> The requested URL /init/default/user/login was not found on this server.
>>> The apache error log is:
>>> [Thu May 29 13:14:56 2014] [error] [client] File does not 
>>> exist: /var/www/init, referer: http://ldap/ 
>>> Which may be the reason for the incorrect mapping and subsequent error?
>>> Thanks

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