Objeto it's the table

almoxarifado_id it's a FK (reference field)

2014-06-09 14:48 GMT-03:00 LoveWeb2py <atayloru...@gmail.com>:

> No problem at all and I appreciate you trying to respond to English.
> Is Object your table name and Almoxarifado_id is your id field in Objeto?
> Objeto.almoxarifado_id
> On Monday, June 9, 2014 1:30:49 PM UTC-4, Fabiano Almeida wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Sorry for my poor english, by lazy, sometimes I use google translate
>> (portuguese -> english), and don't check the translation.
>> table1_inv_record = request.args(0)
>> In this line you get de first args, but on click to edit record in grid,
>> the function it's called again and url change args, then first args in url
>> is 'edit', and this is literal, not numerical.
>> row = db(db.table1.id==table1_inv_record).select()
>> In edit mode (and changed url), get error because var table1_inv_record
>> is not numerical at this time. I think this is a line in your traceback
>> error.
>> So I use try...except block to convert first arg in integer, if ok, use
>> session to store de right id sent in the original url.
>>> alm = None # this is for prevent error case haven't args(0)
>>> if request.args: alm = request.args(0)
>>>   try:
>>>       if alm:
>>>           alm = int(alm)
>>>           *session.almoxarifado*=alm    # this line executes only if
>>> the previous line no error
>>>   except ValueError:
>>>       pass
>>> Objeto.almoxarifado_id.default = *session.almoxarifado*
>> 2014-06-09 13:47 GMT-03:00 LoveWeb2py <atayl...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi Fabiano,
>>> Thank you for your reply. What do you mean by *"edit the registry of
>>> URL arguments are changed. "*
>>> Here is my code:
>>> def query_table2():
>>>    table2_records = []
>>>    table1_inv_record = request.args(0)
>>>    row = db(db.table1.id==table1_inv_record).select()
>>>    for line in row:
>>>       joined_records = line.inv_id
>>>    query=db.table1.id.belongs(joined_records)
>>>    grid=SQLFORM.grid(query, user_signature=False)
>>>    return dict(grid=grid)
>>> view for query_table2.html:
>>>    {{=grid}}
>>> On Friday, June 6, 2014 3:43:12 PM UTC-4, Fabiano Almeida wrote:
>>>> <type 'exceptions.ValueError'> invalid literal for int() with base 10:
>>>> 'edit'
>>>> In some part of your code has converting string to numeric type.
>>>> Probably you should be picking up the URL argument and doing the
>>>> conversion, but when you edit the registry of URL arguments are changed.
>>>> In my example, I use session and try...except to resolve this.
>>>> 2014-06-06 15:29 GMT-03:00 Fabiano Almeida <fab...@techno7.com.br>:
>>>>> Show your code
>>>>> 2014-06-06 15:18 GMT-03:00 LoveWeb2py <atayl...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> Now I get this error when I try to click edit on the query database:
>>>>>> <type 'exceptions.ValueError'> invalid literal for int() with base
>>>>>> 10: 'edit'
>>>>>> I've tried changing signature to false, but I don't think thats the
>>>>>> problem.
>>>>>> On Friday, June 6, 2014 1:17:39 PM UTC-4, LoveWeb2py wrote:
>>>>>>> yes
>>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 1:09 PM, Fabiano Almeida <
>>>>>>> fab...@techno7.com.br> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Are you logged in your app?
>>>>>>>>> On Friday, June 6, 2014 1:03:35 PM UTC-4, Fabiano Almeida wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Try:
>>>>>>>>>> grid = SQLFORM.grid(db.table,  user_signature=False)
>>>>>>>>>> Em sexta-feira, 6 de junho de 2014 13h10min34s UTC-3, LoveWeb2py
>>>>>>>>>> escreveu:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Fabiano,
>>>>>>>>>>> I actually was already using grid= SQLFORM.grid(db.new_table).
>>>>>>>>>>> That is when I get the error.
>>>>>>>>>>> If I do grid='' to test it and just return the table without
>>>>>>>>>>> SQLFORM I can see it in the view, but when I apply SQLFORM I get 
>>>>>>>>>>> the error
>>>>>>>>>>> 'Rows' object has no attribute '_db'.
>>>>>>>>>>> I'm guessing this is because of the way SQLFORM handles the
>>>>>>>>>>> grid? Could there be something in  my model messing it up?
>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, June 6, 2014 12:02:05 PM UTC-4, Fabiano Almeida wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>> You send var grid (see: return dict(grid=grid)). The first var
>>>>>>>>>>>> grid is a send var to your view, de second var grid is a local
>>>>>>>>>>>> var of your function.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Then,
>>>>>>>>>>>> in controller use:
>>>>>>>>>>>> grid = SQLFORM.grid(db.new_table)
>>>>>>>>>>>> return dict(grid=grid)
>>>>>>>>>>>> in the view use:
>>>>>>>>>>>> {{=grid}}
>>>>>>>>>>>> Fabiano.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2014-06-06 12:45 GMT-03:00 LoveWeb2py <atayl...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  SQLFORM isn't working for me with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> new_table = db(db.table1.id.belongs(record_ids)).select()
>>>>>>>>>>>>> if I do {{=new_table}} in my view I can see the records which
>>>>>>>>>>>>> belong to record_ids, but if I do:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> SQLFORM.grid(new_table)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> return dict(grid=grid)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I get an error 'Rows' object has no attribute '_db'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  --
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