Thx massimo... I will plain a deploy structure and then I'll post here.

Perhaps web2py migration just need read database structure and view diff
between database structure and model structure. Have you thought about that?
It sound great for deploy! Couldn't be?

2014-05-27 1:26 GMT-03:00 Massimo Di Pierro <>:

> If migrate_enabled=False then .table files are ignored.
> You can use command line tools.
> If you create a applications/yourapp/DISABLED file, your app is
> temporarily disabled.
> If you run
> python -S web2py -M -R
> your script will run as if it were a controller.
> On Monday, 26 May 2014 10:54:38 UTC-5, Diogo Munaro wrote:
>> Thx Massimo, but I need other .tables inside deploy version?
>> i.e: I have my production version with x db structure, but my new
>> production version have x+1 db structure. I need x .tables inside my deploy?
>> Could I make migrate without access page? Could I use any command line
>> tools?
>> 2014-05-26 12:40 GMT-03:00 Massimo Di Pierro <>
>> :
>>> They are automatic in web2py. They only problem you may incur in is that
>>> if you have multiple web2py instances accessing the server, multiple
>>> instances may initiate the migrations concurrently. Normally you handle
>>> this at the application level. You set migrate_enabled=False and when you
>>> deploy a new version of the app you first disable the app (so users cannot
>>> access it during migration) then set migrate_enabled=True and after the
>>> migration is completed you restore migrate_enabled=False and  and enable
>>> the app again to users.
>>> database-abstraction-layer?search=migrate_enabled%3DFalse
>>> On Saturday, 24 May 2014 10:47:38 UTC-5, Diogo Munaro wrote:
>>>> But how could I manage migrates? How could I make migrates on deploy?
>>>> Em 24/05/2014 04:02, "Massimo Di Pierro" <>
>>>> escreveu:
>>>>> There is nothing equivalent to this in web2py. You just remove that
>>>>> line.
>>>>> On Thursday, 22 May 2014 12:43:59 UTC-5, Diogo Munaro wrote:
>>>>>> Hey Massimo, and how could I replace
>>>>>>  command: " syncdb --noinput"
>>>>>> ?
>>>>>> I need migrate=False because I have a loadbalancer with elastic beanstalk
>>>>>> Em quinta-feira, 25 de julho de 2013 11h45min05s UTC-3, Aladdin Teng
>>>>>> escreveu:
>>>>>>> Thank you very much.
>>>>>>> On Thursday, July 25, 2013 8:53:33 PM UTC+8, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>>>>>>> The instructions should be almost identical except that:
>>>>>>>> 1) you do not pip install Django
>>>>>>>> 2) you do not ever call django-admin
>>>>>>>> 3) instead you download and unzip web2py. The web2py folder plays
>>>>>>>> the role of the mysite folder in the example
>>>>>>>> 4) you do not edit any django config file (there is no django!)
>>>>>>>> 5) instead you edit and you replace db= DAL(...) with
>>>>>>>>    import os
>>>>>>>>    uri = “mysql://%(RDS_USERNAME)s:%(RDS_PASSWORD)s@%(RDS_HOSTNAME)
>>>>>>>> s:%(RDS_PORT)s/%(RDS_DB_NAME)s” % os.environ
>>>>>>>>    db = DAL(uri, pool_size=10)
>>>>>>>>    session.connect(request, response db=db) # sessions in DB!
>>>>>>>> 6) before you commit and push you must create a file
>>>>>>>> web2py/ which contains
>>>>>>>> <FILE web2py/>
>>>>>>>> import sys
>>>>>>>> import os
>>>>>>>> path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
>>>>>>>> os.chdir(path)
>>>>>>>> sys.path = [path] + [p for p in sys.path if not p == path]
>>>>>>>> sys.stdout = sys.stderr
>>>>>>>> import gluon.main
>>>>>>>> application = gluon.main.wsgibase
>>>>>>>> <FILE>
>>>>>>>> This should work. If you try it please post your findings.
>>>>>>>> Caveat 1. You must get web2py from from the web site
>>>>>>>> and not from the Git report else the web2py git repo will conflict 
>>>>>>>> with the
>>>>>>>> git repo you are supposed to create according to this tutorial.
>>>>>>>> Caveat 2. From:
>>>>>>>> 012/08/25/python-on-elastic-beanstalk.html
>>>>>>>>  "It's critical to understand that the Elastic Beanstalk images
>>>>>>>> are all ephemeral, in the 'old' style of AWS AMIs. This means that 
>>>>>>>> nothing
>>>>>>>> on an instances filesystem will survive through a deployment, 
>>>>>>>> redeployment,
>>>>>>>> or stoppage of the environment/instance. " This means that
>>>>>>>> session/tickets/uploads must all go to the file system. web2py admin 
>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>> be useful. You also needs to setup sticky sessions and I am not sure
>>>>>>>> whether AWS does it automatically or not.
>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, 17 July 2013 11:14:20 UTC-5, Aladdin Teng wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi!
>>>>>>>>> Is there an update on this demo?
>>>>>>>>> I am looking into AWS deployment too.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, October 13, 2012 9:52:03 AM UTC+8, Massimo Di Pierro
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I will try a demo asap but I do not have an account so it will
>>>>>>>>>> take a tille time. In principle everything in eb is not django 
>>>>>>>>>> specific and
>>>>>>>>>> should work with web2py almost out of them box.
>>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, 9 October 2012 11:42:35 UTC-5, CST International Mike
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>>>>> I trying to find an AWS Elastic Beanstalk Web2py installation
>>>>>>>>>>> recipe.
>>>>>>>>>>> Amazon have a Django version http://docs.amazonwebservices.
>>>>>>>>>>> com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/create_deploy_Python_django.html
>>>>>>>>>>> My Linux\web2py skill are a little weak and rusty. ( over a year
>>>>>>>>>>> now)
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards Michael
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