You are right. item is in the code. Is it reserved? going to try changing 


On Thursday, May 15, 2014 11:58:36 AM UTC-7, Dave S wrote:
> On Thursday, May 15, 2014 10:21:48 AM UTC-7, greenpoise wrote:
>> Yes font-awesome is what I am trying to use. Both attempts, yours and 
>> yamandu prompt me the same error
>> (name, active, link) = item[:3]
>> ValueError: need more than 2 values to unpack
> Is there a line number associated with that error message?  Is "item" 
> something in your code, or is it part of the helper?  Evidently it's being 
> created with only 2 values, instead of the 3 needed.  I'm tempted to say 
> that "active" should be a boolean, but that's just a guess.
> /dps
>> On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 8:36:48 PM UTC-7, Joe Barnhart wrote:
>>> I see you're using font-awesome.  You need to add "fa" as well as the 
>>> icon name you want "fa-home".  I also recommend you use the URL helper if 
>>> you ever want the url re-writing features of web2py.  My recommendation is:
>>> A(I(_class="fa fa-home"),SPAN("Home",_class="menu-item-parent"),_href=
>>> URL('index'))
>>> Please notice the underscore in the "class" and "href" entries.  That is 
>>> how web2py knows you want those to wind up on the final HTML version of the 
>>> element and keeps the names from colliding with Python identifiers (like 
>>> "class").
>>> On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 2:59:03 PM UTC-7, greenpoise wrote:
>>>> I need help with this helper!
>>>> I have this
>>>> <a href="index.html" title="Home"><i class="fa-home"></i> <span class=
>>>> "menu-item-parent">Home</span></a>
>>>> and I made this:
>>>> [A(I(SPAN(_class=('menu-item-parent','Home')), _class='fa-home',_title=
>>>> 'Home',), False, None, []),]
>>>> I am missing the URL('home") cant get it to work. Where should I put it?
>>>> thanks

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