I don't wanna be one of those guys who just compares on price alone.... but 
I will obviously be comparing price to other options. (By which I mean 
'value for money' not 'lowest price' SmartCloud got criticism for being 
'more expensive' than the lowest common denominator, but I doubt those who 
complained actually took out those servers for a test-run to see how snappy 
they were for the price-points on offer.)

I'd also need to spend time working out how things like backups, billing 
(and on-billing), alerts, CDN and other features work before diving in. 
Nothing too serious, but it does take an investment of time to learn these 

But to sum it all up it really has to do with fit for purpose. On smaller 
projects, there's not too much going on in one release cycle. So a simple 
'post-and-host' will do for me. On larger projects where there are big 
releases, bug fixes, custom field-office releases and the need for 
continuous testing between all these, I can see how the near-automated 
devops would save me having a full-time devops costs.

If you'll indulge me: There's a real opportunity here for IBM to sell not 
just to its own direct customers, but to its customers customers. To see 
what I mean, put yourself in the shoes of a small-to-medium software 
business. The whole time is spent selling and re-selling the business the 
proposition. What helps me is not so much the marketing collateral which 
convinces *me *to use BlueMix, but marketing collateral that I can use to 
convince my customers that I'm in the right zone using BlueMix. 

When my customers ask "Where will my data live?" I often answer "With 
Amazon". You'd be surprised how many respond, "What, the book sellers?". 
I'd rather say: "Your data and business-continuity will live with IBM. Take 
a look at this (imaginary) url, which explains all the details: 

That's obviously a ridiculous example, but you get the idea.

On Thursday, 8 May 2014 03:22:14 UTC+10, Dave S wrote:
> On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 5:29:48 PM UTC-7, duncan macneil wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've been trying out the www.bluemix.net IBM PaaS. 
>> It took me a bit of digging to realise there is in fact a Python runtime. 
>> But you need a buildpack. The setup is different enough from Heroku to 
>> warrant this mini-HowTo:
> Hey, thanks for posting this.  Sounds like you'd give BlueMix a thumbs up; 
> what would sway you to [or not to] go into production with it, compared 
> with other hosting?
> /dps

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