Hey Massimo,

i follwo the link, read the manual and download your markmin-app,
but i could not find the answer - sorry iam a beginner in web2py.

Look, i have a grid with a Button "print" :

grid = SQLFORM.grid(query, 
         lambda row: 

and i have a template = "template.tex"

But i do not know - how i connect the button "print" with the markmin and i 
do not know how i implement the "template.tex."

can you help me?

Am Dienstag, 6. Mai 2014 15:14:33 UTC+2 schrieb Massimo Di Pierro:
> Look into this file:
> https://github.com/web2py/web2py/blob/master/gluon/contrib/markmin/markmin2pdf.py
> there is a function markmin2pdf that uses markmin2latex and then calls 
> pdflatex. Only a subset of markmin is supported. Formulas go in between 
> $$...$$ in markmin.
> Massimo
> On Monday, 5 May 2014 14:29:34 UTC-5, Peter Pan wrote:
>> Hey 
>> I' m a teacher and work with pdflatex. I think its a good idea to learn 
>> LaTeX with web2py.
>> The Students create theire own reports with pdflatex. 
>> I do Not know how to implement a pdflatex-Template in web2py. I read the 
>> informations about markmin
>> But i couldn' t find the answer. 

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