what does {{=stats}} show ?

On Friday, May 2, 2014 9:46:26 PM UTC+2, pete...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I want to display some aggregated stats (items per year) with a sqltable, 
> but the aggregate count column never shows up in the sqltable.
> Basically only the groupby column is shown.
> This is my controller
> count = db.stats.id.count()
> stats = db(db.stats.id).select(db.stats.created_year, count, 
> groupby=db.stats.created_year)
> return dict(stats=stats)
> the view
> {{=SQLTABLE(stats)}}
> From the postgresql side everything seems fine, web2py's sql statement 
> 'SELECT  stats.created_year, COUNT(stats.id) FROM stats WHERE (stats.idIS NOT 
> NULL) GROUP BY stats.created_year;' returns records as expected when 
> run on the database server directly.
> Am I missing something obvious?
> Cheers
> Pete

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