Hi, Fran

Thanks for your comment and pointers.

On 5月31日, 午前7:17, Fran <francisb...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On May 30, 4:29 am, suiato <homm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm translating an appliance eStore as an example in learning how to
> > localize web2py appliances, and found web2py2po/po2web2py programs
> > useful because I usually work on po format in traslation. Has anyone
> > here worked on these?
> I know the guy who wrote these (forhttp://sahanapy.org)

Wow, it covers a broad ranage of disaster management system.


When I checked out the trunk code of the toolkit, I couldn't find the
code for web2py2po.
I found a post by Dominic at http://www.nabble.com/Web2py-to-PO-td21838559.html,
which had a pointer to the source.

On Ubuntu 9.04, I installed translate-toolkit, python-lxml, and
web2py2po. Both web2py2po and po2web2py worked fine :-) I really
appreciate this utility. I now have finished most of the translation
of eStore, and have ja.py, ja.po and ja.tmx for the appliance.

> Feedback welcomed :)
> F

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