
I'm learning web2py and just messing around... 

I have a static file:  css/style.css

It contains:   h1 {color: red;}

When I make a simple view with an h1 block, my stylesheet gets applied if I 
   {{=LINK(_rel="stylesheet", _type="text/css", _href=URL('static', 
'css/style.css'))}}  in my <head>, but not if I put:
   {{=STYLE(_src=URL('static', 'css/style.css'))}} which is similar to the 
example given  for the STYLE helper in chapter 5 of the web2py manual. 
 What am I missing?


- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
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