This situation is so rare, 

I have the same problem with the current version, but I did not have this 
problem with version 2.8.2-stable + timestamp.2013.

why can't i see a simple count like the prior version? .

i use this sentence:

rows = SQLTABLE(db(db.mydata.protocol=='udp').select(db.mydata.portid, 
db.mydata.portid.count(), orderby=db.mydata.portid, 
groupby=db.mydata.portid), headers={'mydata.portid':'Port 
Number:',str(db.mydata.portid.count()):'Times'}, orderby=True, 
_width="100%", truncate=1)

My view:

I can see just the Port number list with the current version and  Port 
Number + Times with 2.8.2-stable version.

El jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014 13:23:14 UTC-3, Niphlod escribió:
> .....
> return dict(rows=rows, count=count, groupby=groupby)
> On Thursday, March 27, 2014 9:21:01 AM UTC+1, Dave S wrote:
>> I know I'm a bit slow, but ...
>> On Wednesday, March 26, 2014 4:21:27 PM UTC-7, Dave S wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, March 26, 2014 12:58:36 PM UTC-7, Niphlod wrote:
>>>> assuming.....
>>>> count =
>>>> groupby = db.table.birthday.month()
>>>> #you can do
>>>> rows = db( >0).select(count, groupby, groupby=groupby)
>>>> for row in rows:
>>>>     print row[count], row[groupby]
>>>> i.e. the variables (count, groupby) you set are automatically 
>>>> "translated" to the "ugly format" you're referring to. 
>>> Okay, that looks good.
>> Except for one tiny detail.  I don't want to print the results from the 
>> controller, I want the view to display them.  And when I do the for loop in 
>> the view,
>> I get a ticket for "NameError: name 'count' is not defined". How do I 
>> get the desired results from my controller to the view and out on the 
>> browser screen?
>>>> This is the only recommended way to deal with those, because the 
>>>> row['_extra']["web2py_extract('month',person.birthdate)"]
>>>> is only valid for a specific adapter (in this case, sqlite). This means 
>>>> that if you switch to mysql, it won't work.

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