How do I do this?
And is this how it is don't in db.auth_user?  Cause it's rather confusing 
that it doesn't do this automatically.
Jason Brower

On Sunday, March 23, 2014 2:24:24 PM UTC+2, Anthony wrote:
> By default, I think password fields only get an IS_LENGTH validator, so 
> you'll have to set the CRYPT validator explicitly.
> Anthony
> On Tuesday, March 18, 2014 1:04:54 PM UTC-4, Encompass solutions wrote:
>> I am trying to create a model with an encrypted key so it's harder for 
>> someone to maliciously screw over my customers.
>> I have the following snippet.
>>     Field('public_gram', 'boolean', default=False),
>>     Field('tag_name', 'list:string'),
>>     Field('deletion_key', 'password')
>>     )
>> You can see there the "deletion_key" is a feild type "password" which I 
>> understand is hashed out so you can't get the original code.  However, when 
>> I try to print it I get this...
>> test
>> CRYPT()(gram_details.deletion_key)
>> (<gluon.validators.LazyCrypt object at 0x7f56b8305c10>, None)
>> CRYPT()(gram_details.deletion_key) == gram_details.deletion_key
>> False
>> Where "test" is print gram_details.deletion_key
>> If this is the case then my password is not very cryptic.
>> Am I doing something wrong?
>> BR,
>> Jason Brower

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