Thanks Massimo!
I was searching, trying and finaly get the point. My problem was that I was 
working exactly in SQLFORM and navbar, that´s why I was seeing things "so 
tied" to Bootstrap.
I made my own navbar, instead of using for now is pretty 
fine. Later will discover how to build a helper to create a menu using div 
> a or ul > li.

Now I´m struggling to customize the smartgrid. =)

Thanks again for your help!

Em sábado, 15 de março de 2014 22h05min21s UTC-3, Massimo Di Pierro 
> The only parts of web2py that generate bootstrap specific class are the 
> auth.navbar() and the FORMs(SQLFORM, SQLFORM.grid). 
> The navbar can be customized to not use bootstrap classes but the HTML of 
> navbar is also very specific of bootstrap. If you do not want bootstrap, 
> you should make your own navbar bit expliticely building links to 
> login/logout/register/etc.
> FORM does not acually use format by default. You can style with 
> SQLFORM(....formstyle=...) Some of the options are:
> SQLFORM.formstyles = Storage(dict(
>         table3cols=formstyle_table3cols,
>         table2cols=formstyle_table2cols,
>         divs=formstyle_divs,
>         ul=formstyle_ul,
>         bootstrap=formstyle_bootstrap,
>         bootstrap3=formstyle_bootstrap3,
>         inline=formstyle_inline,
>     ))
> You can also make your own formstyles. Look into
> The GRID can also be passed a formstyle and will use it for FORMs. Other 
> css classes can be customized using other arguments. Try help(SQLFORM.grid)
> On Friday, 14 March 2014 13:17:42 UTC-5, Pedro Pisandelli wrote:
>> Hey guys!
>> I love Python, and I´m getting fascinated about web2py. Nevertheless, I 
>> really don´t like the way it works (so tied) with Bootstrap.
>> It´s fine get some help from Bootstrap and Build some prototype screens. 
>> But I like to use other (sometimes better) frameworks, like 
>> At this moment I´d like to generate a simple menu like this
>> <div class="some_class">
>>     <a href="#" class="active item">Link1</a>
>>     <a href="#" class="item">Link2</a>
>>     <a href="#" class="item">Link3</a>
>> </div>
>> But as far as I know, web2py keeps stubbornly the Bootstrap´s tags and 
>> structure.
>> Is there a way to get rid of Twitter Bootstrap and generate a clean HTML 
>> code? Is so annoying this tied structure. I guess is better give the 
>> front-end devs (where I came from) decide what to put "around" the 
>> information.

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