Are you looking for ways to set the required css class for the table itself 
or anything more?

For example, you can manipulate the DOM for the table class. It's not a 
perfect approach, but should do for the time being:

grid = SQLFORM.grid (...code...)
grid.element('table', replace=lambda el: el.add_class(
               'table table-striped table-condensed'))


On Saturday, March 15, 2014 1:46:58 AM UTC+1, Brando wrote:
> Paolo, I got everything moved over.  So far no problems.  I'm trying to 
> figure out the best way to style a SQLFORM.grid without using custom js. 
> What is the easiest way to style the SQLFORM.grid with bootstrap3?
> On Thursday, March 13, 2014 8:59:07 AM UTC-7, Brando wrote:
>> Just found this Post.  Thanks Paolo.  I'll move my app over to this 
>> template and report any issues I find.
>> On Monday, December 23, 2013 12:20:48 PM UTC-8, Paolo Caruccio wrote:
>>> I just completed a package that applies the bootstrap3 style to some 
>>> web2py elements - the current version covers the navigation menus, the auth 
>>> navbar and SQLFORMs (via formstyle) - but I need your help for testing it.
>>> The package includes the following files:
>>>  -
>>>  - web2py-bootstrap3.css
>>>  - web2py-bootstrap3.js
>>>  - example of layout.html
>>>  - a readme file containing the istallation and usage instructions
>>>  - license (please report if the license is right for a future inclusion 
>>> in web2py)
>>> Here attached some screenshots and a web2py app with examples. 
>>> Thank you in advance for your feedbacks, suggestions for optimizing the 
>>> code and any additions and everything else useful to improve the package.
>>> Marry Christmas. 

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