On May28, 9:59am, Eddie Eyles <ho...@heddonsgate.co.uk> wrote:
> It seems to come down to web2py needing to have some new configuration
> data that tells it where its data (i.e. its applications) are
> installed.  It is not too difficult to imagine a configuration file
> (living in the applications directory, perhaps) that simply lists
> other directories that web2py is to regard as application
> directories.  The create/upload/uninstall functions for managing
> applications would need to be enhanced to read and write this file.
> The default could remain that applications are found in web2py's
> applications directory.
> Eddie

+1 for Eddie's idea.

Currently I just feel boring enough to do all below steps when I
upgrade to a newer version of web2py_win.zip
1. Move all web2py/applications/myapp_* into c:\temp
2. Delete the current "web2py" directory
3. Unzip the new web2py_win.zip into "web2py" directory and start it.
4. Move back all my apps from c:\temp to web2py/applications

With Eddie's idea, I can skip step 1 & 4, just unzip the new
web2py_*.zip, and do something like:
  web2py -a blah -L myconfig.ini
or just:
  web2py -a blah --APP_PATH c:\my_app_repo

Of course, the configure file is optional, therefore the official "Has
no configuration files. You just unzip it and click on it" slogan
remains true.
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