Hi all,

It seems that the first try doesn't make it, so it comes again.
Thanks a lot,


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--- Begin Message ---
Hi all,

First, thanks for Web2py. Even for novices in development as me is 
really a joy to make things on this framework and is nice to see also 
this fast, minimalist and self contained approach. I have been exploring 
previously Zope and Django and made some examples with them, but with 
Web2py I can go from examples to my own app in just hours the first time 
and for my second time it will be just minutes.

I'm making my first Web2py app. Is a place where students can publish 
their solved exercises  for the class of Linear Algebra. The idea is 
that a student need to make the following things, according to this menu:

* "Resuelto por" (solved by): This is the data of the student. They put 
their information here so they can associate a solver to a solved exercise.
* "Agregar autor" (add author): This is the data of the author of the 
exercise, usually the people who wrote Linear Algebra books and other 
material for students.
* "Agregar fuente" (add Source): This is the data of the writing which 
contains one or more problems to be solved (usually the books wrote by 
authors of the previous item).
* "Agregar edición" (add edition): One source can have multiple 
editions. Because from year to year new editions of books contain new 
exercises and change the number of the old ones is good to have info 
about the different editions of one source to be associated with the 
solved exercise.
* "Publicar ejercicio" (Publish exercise): Here the student can upload 
two files the source file (tex for LaTex, tm for TeXmacs, and lyx for 
LyX) with the solution for future editing (corrections, extensions an so 
on),   and the pdf file for people who doesn't have the proper free 
software yet to edit it or doesn't want or just want to read it. In this 
place they can also put extra information about the exercise, number, 
page, a drop down menus for:
** the solver data,
** source-edition

Its almost done. In this address you will find the model (which is in 


But I would like to improve some things:

* In the drop down menus. At this moment I only get one information, for 
example the second name of the student, and I would like to have first 
name also (they are in different fields in the "resolutores" (solvers) 
table), but if I try things like:


it doesn't work. Same for year + Title of the sources.

* I would like to have longer Titles for sources, because some books 
have really long titles, theres any way to specify this for the string type?
* There is any way to have a date field with only this year as default?
* I have being looking for places to publish this app. First with 
Star-nix, but I contacted them just yesterday (when I finished my one 
day app) and I have not answered and now I'm trying with gandi free 
test. This is my fist published app, so I don't know if there is an 
special requirement or thing to have in mind in places like the ones i 

I will be waiting for your answer. Thanks again for such great framework 
and vital community.



--- End Message ---

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