Thanks Massimo,

This is the algorithm.  If the web2py overhead is 5-10ms, I can probably
will stick with it.

Thanks for the suggestions!


On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 8:44 AM, Massimo Di Pierro <> wrote:

> Hello Mark,
> you say the code takes 0.3 seconds. Is this the algorithm or the overhead
> that you are trying to eliminate. If that is the algorithm, rewriting in a
> different framework will not help you. If that is the overhead, that is
> definitively too much. Probably you are executing something that should not
> be executed, for example the models.
> Hard to say without looking at the code.
> Based on my experience, the web2py overhead without models is ~5-10ms.
> This is because of cookie parsing, client headers validation, session
> handling, and checking the file system for models. If you do not need any
> of this and you need sub ms performance, I'd recommend bare bone tornado or
> gevent. You do not need a framework.
> Massimo
> On Monday, 10 February 2014 07:00:54 UTC-6, Mark Graves wrote:
>> Hey Everyone,
>> I'm deploying a web-service app which will require sub second response
>> times.
>> The code is entirely written in python and the algorithm to compute the
>> output takes approximately .3 seconds.
>> Will web2py's overhead be too much to deliver the response time I need?
>> Should I consider deploying behind Flask since I don't need anything but
>> request headers and a JSON body?
>> The algorithm code is entirely contained within a module which is
>> imported and then run on some request.vars but I'm still having trouble
>> tuning it up.
>> Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks!
>> Mark
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