It does not work this way. One think are web2py groups which you check with


and another things are Active Directory groups. There is no login in web2py 
that maps one into the other. ldap_auth(...allowed_groups = 
['UnixAdmin'],...) if it works (I have not personally tested it) only 
allows members of the group to login, but does not transfer the group info 
into the web2py auth_group/auth_membership tables.

On Thursday, 6 February 2014 11:10:16 UTC-6, Doug Campbell wrote:
> I am trying to block access on specific things using Active Directory 
> groups and am a bit lost.
> I can login just fine using active directory and here is my connection 
> string (with revealing info removed):
> from gluon.contrib.login_methods.ldap_auth import ldap_auth
> auth.settings.login_methods = [ldap_auth(mode='ad',
> #allowed_groups = ['UnixAdmin'],
> group_dn = 'OU=<>,DC=<>,DC=<>',
> group_name_attrib = 'cn',
> group_member_attrib = 'member',
> group_filterstr = 'objectClass=Group',
>    server='<>',
>    base_dn='dc=<>,dc=<>')]
> This works just fine and if I uncomment the allowed_groups line, it blocks 
> access correctly to the entire application. I only want to block access to 
> specific parts though. For example I want to make a database writable only 
> if the user is a member of a specific Active Directory group but all 
> users/groups should be able to login. 
> Here is the code that was working when using local login but being able to 
> use Active Directory would be great:
>  if auth.has_membership(group_id='UnixAdmin'):
>         db.config_detail.value.writable=True
>     else:
> db.config_detail.value.writable=False
> Thanks!

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