Hi Mic,

I will test it later on. But i'm not sure how this would solve the problem; 
I still need to remove the check_reserved from the DAL connection string.
The goal is to NOT change anything in db.py; so the page module can be used 
as a normal w2p plugin.

Or are you saying check_reserved will be removed in the future; e.g. it wil 
be replaced by entity_quoting=True by default?

Kind regards 

On Tuesday, February 4, 2014 10:01:04 PM UTC+1, Michele Comitini wrote:
> Hi Rene,
> try testing with trunk, remove check_reserved and add the following to DAL 
> parameters:
> DAL(....., entity_quoting=True) after that you should have no conflict 
> with reserved SQL words.
> You should be able to use any name, e.g. do things like 
> define_table('table', Field('select'), Field('update'))
> Let us know if that works.
> mic
> 2014-02-04 Rene Dohmen <re...@formatics.nl <javascript:>>:
>> Hi Web2py-users,
>> I have developed a CMS kind of system based on web2py. 
>> https://github.com/acidjunk/web2py-pages
>> I actually want to provide a release as a w2p file on a regular basis, so 
>> it can be used more easily. But I'm running into a problem if I don't 
>> overwrite any core web2py app files.
>> https://github.com/acidjunk/web2py-pages/blob/master/README.md
>> When I started the development (web2py 1.97.2) I made some DB naming 
>> choices that gave problems later on, when using strict(er) mode in DAL. The 
>> key problem is that we choose 'page' for our main table containing the 
>> pages. Obviously a lot of code in the page controller is using 'page' also 
>> for adding, editing and sorting pages; and I also have some projects in 
>> production that use it already. So a rename is not that straight forward or 
>> easy...
>> I did investigate the web2py docs to see if I could relax the strict mode 
>> from a model that would be included after db.py; but that doesn't seem to 
>> be possible.
>> Any help is appreciated.
>> Kind Regards
>> Rene
>>  -- 
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