All I get in the client is:
Process finished with exit code 0

On Thursday, January 30, 2014 11:20:11 PM UTC+2, Anthony wrote:
> .validate_and_insert returns a response object with an .id attribute and 
> an .errors attribute. If the insert is successful, has the id 
> of the inserted records, and if there are any validation errors, 
> response.errors is a dictionary of field names and error messages. You can 
> have your function conditionally return the new record ID (or some success 
> message) or a string summary of the errors. Then just check the content of 
> that return value from the client where you are making the API requests.
> Anthony
> On Thursday, January 30, 2014 2:29:02 PM UTC-5, Avi A wrote:
>> what do you mean? How can I check it?
>> On Thursday, January 30, 2014 8:39:56 PM UTC+2, Anthony wrote:
>>> What does .validate_and_insert return?
>>> On Thursday, January 30, 2014 1:11:18 PM UTC-5, Avi A wrote:
>>>> Thank you very much.
>>>> No errors now, but still not inserting. I'll give it some more tries 
>>>> and get back if required.
>>>> thanks again. 
>>>> On Thursday, January 30, 2014 7:59:23 PM UTC+2, Anthony wrote:
>>>>> Your api() function should end with:
>>>>>     return locals()
>>>>> locals() is a dictionary containing all the variables (including the 
>>>>> functions) defined in the local function scope.
>>>>> Note, this is why it helps to describe the exact error/failure. 
>>>>> Initially I hadn't noticed the missing locals() return, but seeing the 
>>>>> exception made it obvious.
>>>>> Anthony
>>>>> On Thursday, January 30, 2014 5:30:52 AM UTC-5, Avi A wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I am trying something like that:
>>>>>> #on one local script instance:
>>>>>> import requests
>>>>>> test_params = {'api_key': 'api_key', 'test': 'test', 'f_platform': 
>>>>>> 'platform', 'f_device': 'device', 'f_steps': '10',
>>>>>>                'f_matches':'7', 'f_missmatches': '3', 'f_missing': 
>>>>>> '0'}
>>>>>> r ='', 
>>>>>> params=test_params)
>>>>>> #and the api function:
>>>>>> @request.restful()
>>>>>> def api():
>>>>>>     response.view = 'generic.'+request.extension
>>>>>>     def GET(search):
>>>>>>         pass
>>>>>>     clients = db(db.auth_user).select(db.auth_user.api_key)
>>>>>>     t = db.t_tests_results
>>>>>>     def POST(**post_params):
>>>>>>         for client in clients:
>>>>>>             if client.api_key == post_params.api_key:
>>>>>>                 return t.validate_and_insert(post_params.test,
>>>>>>                                         post_params.f_platform, 
>>>>>> post_params.f_device,
>>>>>>                                         post_params.f_steps, 
>>>>>> post_params.f_matches,
>>>>>>                                         post_params.f_missmatches, 
>>>>>> post_params.f_missing)
>>>>>>             else:
>>>>>>                 raise HTTP(400)
>>>>>> It's not working... Any help?
>>>>>> Thanks.

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