Yes this would be nice. Please teach us how to...

On May 24, 2:05 pm, Yarko Tymciurak <> wrote:
> I ... needed a break from my computer so I (?!) tried to build / test /
> debug something that isn't python, that I haven't worked on for a break
>  (ha!)
> Chrome is open source, and version 3 is in a reasonably functional state for
> Linux (I am using it at this moment), as well as for Mac,
> If you too have a "bleeding edge" vein and you would like to try your web2py
> app against an alpha browser, you do not need to setup or configure a build
> environment:  you can try nightly builds.
> See
> I compare my statically linked, built version against the "buildbot" built
> version (partly to make sure I built it right).
> By trying this browser on Linux / Ubuntu 9.04 (as I am)  I think I am
> getting the following / learning from this that can be helpful for web2py:
>    - build-bot continuous builds (see comments below)
>    - _lots_ of automated test suites (as we consider bigtable more, decimal
>    support, etc. this is a rich topic)
>    - python-base build system (there is at least one, lighter weight python
>    builder which might be suitable for web2py - to run tests, package, 
> generate
>    docs)
>    - svg, css rendering, fast javascript ("V8"), and android graphic imaging
>    components
> Potential benefits for web2py:
> automated build:
> for web2py, having a buildbot for running tests could be useful.  Submitting
> an app to a buildbot test suite could be part of accepting an app for a
> version of web2py.  Testing against multiple data-persistence backends would
> be usefule too.  In fact, eventually it would be nice to have test-bot
> database servers available for just that.
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