
So, there is a form where you enter a Password and a username. 
now, the function shall take the username and check if there is any 
username like that in the db. if there is such a username, the 
correspondending Password shall be read and seperated into a variable. now, 
if the Password from the db fetch the Password from the form, the function 
Redirects to one page, else to another ( as you can see, this is just a 
very basic function, and not ready)

hope, now it got more clear :)

Am Sonntag, 19. Januar 2014 19:28:23 UTC+1 schrieb Lucas Schreiber:

> Hi guys,
> i have this function:
> def login():
>     form = FORM(
>     'Name', INPUT(_name='name'),
>     'password', INPUT(_password='password'), 
>     INPUT(_type='submit'))
>     if form.process().accepted:
>         name =
>         records = SQLTABLE(dba( name).select(dba.user.
> password),headers='fieldname:capitalize')
>         passworddb = records[1]
>         password = form.vars.password
>         dba.person.insert(name = 'test', email=password)
>         if passworddb == password:
>            redirect(URL('register'))
>         else:
>            redirect(URL('index'))
>     return dict(form=form)
> As you can see, you enter name and password into a form, and from a db it 
> choose a password correspondending to the username. that part works fine. 
> but the problem is on the part:
> password = form.vars.password
> i think this doesnt work, since the line below
> dba.person.insert(name = 'test', email=password)
> inserts into another db "test", "none"
> Do anyone has an idea how to fix this problem? Or can anyone tell me what 
> i did wrong?
> Thanks for the help,
> Darren

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