Nope, nobody thought of it already. You should patent the idea! I say you should implement it. And while you are at it, add in an ORM and ZeroMQ.
On Thursday, January 16, 2014 2:17:31 AM UTC-7, Arnon Marcus wrote: > > I noticed that the current implementation for web2py uses pickles. > That is a design choice. There are pros and cons. > Right off of my head, the biggest cons may be retricting cache-use to > python, and performance penalties. > When I think of all that redis can do, I can not help imagining a better > solution - especially for caching query results. > All result-sets are flat and simple in nature - before the dal steps in > and converts them to row objects. This makes it an ideal candidate for > redis. > Has anyone thought of this already? > A simplistic (naive) solution aould be to store every result in a hash, > and stlre all the ids in a sorted set. This way, the result-sef in the > cache may be queried by redis, and not necessarily be pulled in an > all-or-nothing fasion, improving read-performance and resources > dramatically, while opening the possibilities for external non-python > processes to access the cache talking to redis directly. > It may not be desierable for all use-cases, as there are obviouse security > concearns, but for ipc stuff and/or intranet applications (which are a > common use-case in the web2py world), this can be most beneficial. > What do you say? -- Resources: - - (Documentation) - (Source code) - (Report Issues) --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options, visit