On Wednesday, January 15, 2014 1:47:26 PM UTC-5, Kiran Subbaraman wrote:
>  I was just using some of the validators, like IS_EMAIL(), IS_NOT_EMPTY(), 
> and noticed that the error messages that it returns do not have the first 
> character capitalized. 
> Basically I see error messages like '*e*nter a valid email address'; I 
> expected to see something like this '*E*nter a valid email address' <-- 
> notice the capitalization of the first character. Ref: 
> https://github.com/web2py/web2py/blob/200a95384942c2259b4d26de015a2221a867c978/gluon/validators.py#L1108
> I know that I can redefine the error message the way I need it, but then 
> felt unnecessarily nitpicky about the default message structure. 
> Would it be ok if I were to convert the error messages in validators.py, 
> with the first character capitalized, and submit a pull request? If so, 
> I'll link it to an issue/task.

I would be in favor if this change.

> Also, is there a reason why the default messages are not translated, like 
> this error_message=T('Enter a valid email address')?

In the __call__ method, the returned value includes 
translate(self.error_message), so the messages do get translated.



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