Hello Maggs,

What you can do is to have 2 differents authentication process the internal
web2py process that will allow you to have a password as before and then
LDAP process... But you will not have password from LDAP you will have two
differents password, except if the user set the same password in both, but
you will not know this. The only thing I am not sure of is if it possible
to still allow user tu update their password since I restrict this option,
but I think you can still have the option on.
# Here my setup
'request_reset_password', 'retrieve_username'])

I guess remove change_password could allow users to change their internal
web2py password even if you use LDAP (not tested).

And for activate both authentication you do :

auth.settings.login_methods = [auth, ldap_auth(mode='ad', ...)]

You see auth is web2py default authentication process... So if you user
enter their web2py password they will authenticate against web2py, if they
enter their AD password the auth method will failed ant LDAP
authentification will be used...

Hope it help...


On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 8:30 PM, Maggs <maggs.csom....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am running web2py 2.5.1 and have my auth set up to use secure ldap.
> Since switching from regular to secure ldap, I've noticed that web2py no
> longer saves the passwords of any newly added accounts to the db. Though I
> understand the reason for this since it's secure and all, I do actually
> need the passwords to be saved here. Is there a way to turn this on
> manually? I have done a whole lot of googling and reading through
> documentation to no avail. Apparently I'm the only person to ever want to
> do such a thing.
> Thanks,
> Maeghan
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