On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 12:13 PM, Yarko Tymciurak <yark...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 11:34 AM, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>wrote:
>> .....

> I would like to consider if "List" is the strategically correct thing to
> extend;
> What about extending storage-class deque instead?
> A storage-deque class with this behavior seems like it would be more
> appealing.

Consider, for programmatic management of request.args how this simple
modification of deque language
might help suggest useful things to do with this new class:

left-end of list / bottom-of-stack / front-of-que:

pull();    pull from the start of the list; pull from the bottom of the
stack...  same as deque's popleft()
push();  push onto the head of the list; push onto the bottom of the
stack.... same as deque's appendleft()

right-end of list / top-of-stack / last-in-end of que:

put();   put on the top of the stack, end of que.... same as deque's and
list's  append() (which is equivalently good lanugage)
pop();  as current...

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