hey everyone,

under db.py i have:

auth.settings.login_onaccept = check_login
auth.settings.register_onaccept = check_login

def check_login(form):
    redirect(URL(c="default", f="onlogin"))

and then under default, the onlogin function, checks the status of the 
subscription and displays the terms of use before allowing the user to go 
any deeper.

there is one function that i want users to be logged in to use, so i 
decorate it with "@auth.requires_login()" and of course it brings the user 
to the login screen if then aren't.  however, this one function does not 
require the status and terms of use stuff.  after login, the function can 
just run.

so, how can i know under the check_login function that either the _next was 
in the URL or something in the session or something to let me know that the 
link to this decorated function was pressed by the user so i can redirect 

thanx in advance, lucas

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