<body class="{{=get_page_class()}}">
El ene 2, 2014 1:11 p.m., "Ruud Schroen" <r...@formatics.nl> escribió:

> Hi,
> I want to add a class to the body depending on the controller and function
> (like Drupal does for example).
> My function (in db.py):
> def get_page_class():
>     page_class = 'page-%s-%s' % (request.controller, request.function)
>     return page_class
> And in my view:
> <body class="{{=get_page_class}}">
> Now when i load the page, this is the output
> <body class="&lt;function get_page_class at 0xb5af3ae4&gt;">
> ..and the function isn't even called.
> What am i doing wrong?
>  --
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