I need *urgently* either a plugin or web2py "image server" implemented
that does allow image upload from within nicEditor
I basically use nicEditor within web2py and want to allow users to
upload images locally and display them in the editor text
details see:
http://wiki.nicedit.com/Configuration-Options  (see paragraph on image upload)

Should be an easy job over no more than a couple of hours if you have
the right expertise.

I offer $200 via PayPal or Visa or direct bank transfer to whoever
does it within the next 5 days. That includes the people who have
already inquired regarding the other projects (specifications almost
finished, will be posted out soon). First come first serve - I will
notify the list who got the job.

The finished work will be GPL, so that all web2py users will benefit.

Furthermore, I need a "macro expansion" plugin for nicEditor. I want
to pass a function a list of pairs shortcut:fulltext, and I want the
editor to expand the shortcuts to fulltext whenever a separator has
been entered after a shortcut
eg function createmacros(list_of_shortcuts, list_of_separatorchars=['
', '.', ',', ';', tab, enter]
Same conditions as above, same pay, ad again benefit for  all web2py users

If a solution already exist and all you do is document properly how it
can be used easily from within web2py, pay is the same too.


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