You can make your own .BAT file. 

On Sunday, 15 December 2013 19:32:57 UTC-6, Brando wrote:
> Is it possible to configure web2py so that when you open the binary it 
> automatically launches web2py on pre-configured port (click the binary and 
> the web page comes up....don't need to start the server)?  Also, I noticed 
> the new build has the web2py branding on the "start server" dialog box.  Is 
> it possible to remove that?
> On Sunday, December 15, 2013 4:33:45 AM UTC-8, Niphlod wrote:
>> err... actually it uses bbfreeze (for win) + py2app for mac ^_^
>> On Sunday, December 15, 2013 5:57:36 AM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>> Actually web2py uses py2exe+py2app, not pyinstaller. Perhaps we should.
>>> Anyway, you are right that if you installed BeautifulSoup, it will not 
>>> ship with your apps. But, for pure python packages (and I think 
>>> BeautifulSoup is pure python), if you copy the package under your app 
>>> modules/ folder, then it will ship with it.
>>> Massimo
>>> On Saturday, 14 December 2013 19:46:59 UTC-6, Brando wrote:
>>>> Let's say I package my app via this method: 
>>>>  If my underlying python 
>>>> contains external libraries, will the program work?  Let's say I give the 
>>>> app to someone who doesn't have the BeautifulSoup library installed.  Am I 
>>>> correct in assuming the program would not work?  Mac or Windows platform.
>>>> I know Web2py uses pyinstaller, does that handle the external 
>>>> dependencies automatically?  I am new to Web2py....sorry if this is a dumb 
>>>> question.

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