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On Saturday, 14 December 2013 15:07:02 UTC-6, Rob Mayhue wrote:
> Proposal - use the value of an environment variable as a path_prefix
> When using the parametric router there is an option called `path_prefix` 
> that's 
> described as "a path fragment that is prefixed to all outgoing URLs and 
> stripped 
> from all incoming URLs". I'm not sure what the original use case was for 
> this option 
> but the "path fragment" is a static value, a string that's added to BASE 
> in 
> like so:
> routers = dict(
>     ...
>     BASE=dict(
>         ...
>         path_prefix='PATH_FRAGMENT',  # or even 'PATH/FRAGMENT'
>         ...
>     ),
> )
> This allows things like 'http://domain-name.tld/PATH_FRAGMENT/a/c/f'
> In my use case I wanted the simplicity of the parametric router but I 
> needed to be 
> able to pass in the path fragment on the incoming URL so that it could 
> change and 
> still be "prefixed to all outgoing URLs and stripped from all incoming 
> URLs", or 
> possibly not even exist at all.
> I made some changes to gluon/ to allow the value of an 
> environment variable 
> to be used as the path fragment if it exists. To use it I prefix the 
> string assigned 
> to `path_prefix` with a '$' like this:
> routers = dict(
>     ...
>     BASE=dict(
>         ...
>         path_prefix='$MY_ENV_VARIABLE',
>         ...
>     ),
> )
> Leaving off the '$' causes `path_prefix` to work normally.
> Then in the server config I use a rewrite rule and get the path fragment 
> via a 
> regex and create the environment variable. The following is an apache 
> rewrite rule, 
> but this could be nginx etc as well. This rule gets anything starting with 
> an 
> underscore (e.g. http://domain-name.tld/_MY_VALUE).
> RewriteRule ^/(_[^/]+) - [E=MY_ENV_VARIABLE:$1]
> After that we have an environment variable with 'MY_ENV_VARIABLE' as its 
> key and 
> '_MY_VALUE' as its value.
> Basically the changes I made to gluon/ allow the value of that 
> environment 
> variable to be used as the path fragment allowing you to change it by 
> passing in a new 
> path fragment on the URL and it acts just like the original `path_prefix` 
> option.
> In my use case I'm planning to use the "path fragment" for multi-tenancy. 
> Maybe there 
> is a better way to do this using the pattern based router and I just 
> didn't see it. 
> I wanted to toss this onto the list and get some feedback, and if there is 
> an easier 
> way, be shown the light :)

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