Are f_item_category and f_item_store reference fields? If so, they only get 
the default "represent" validator if (a) you do not explicitly specify a 
"requires" attribute and instead use the default validator, and (b) the 
referenced table has a "format" attribute. Otherwise, you will need to 
explicitly define the "represent" attributes.


On Saturday, December 14, 2013 2:08:10 PM UTC-5, Avi A wrote:
> thanks,
> why I try and use it is because when I use:
> {{for item in all_items:}}
> {{=item.created_by}}
> {{=item.f_item_category}}
> {{=item.f_item_store}}
> {{pass}}
> it renders: (2 items)
> 1 3 1 1 14 1
> On Saturday, December 14, 2013 8:42:01 PM UTC+2, Anthony wrote:
>> db.t_stores.created_by is a reference field, so by default it gets a 
>> "represent" attribute if the table to which it refers has a "format" 
>> attribute. The other fields presumably are not reference fields (nor other 
>> types of special fields that get default "represent" attributes), so they 
>> have no "represent" function. Why are you trying to apply "represent" 
>> functions to those fields anyway? Aren't they just string fields that 
>> display what you want as is?
>> Note, as an alternative, you can do:
>> {{for item in all_items.render():}}
>> {{=item.created_by}}
>> ...
>> The .render() method automatically applies "represent" attributes to all 
>> fields that have them.
>> Anthony
>> On Saturday, December 14, 2013 1:02:08 PM UTC-5, Avi A wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I want to display item and use the represent() method to display 
>>> reference fields.
>>> def home():
>>>     all_items = db(db.t_items).select()
>>>     owner_rep = db.t_stores.created_by
>>>     store_rep = db.t_stores.f_store_name
>>>     category_rep = db.t_categories.f_category_name
>>>     return dict(all_items = all_items, owner_rep = owner_rep, store_rep 
>>> = store_rep, category_rep = category_rep)
>>> #On the view page :
>>> {{for item in all_items:}}
>>> {{=owner_rep.represent(item.created_by)}}
>>> {{=category_rep.represent(item.f_item_category)}}
>>> {{=store_rep.represent(item.f_item_store)}}
>>> {{pass}}
>>> While it works for the {{=owner_rep....... line, for any of the other 
>>> line I try to do the same (those under it) I get the error:
>>> TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable.
>>> Thanks.

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