sorry to hop in and ask a silly question but, when you say init the js on 
the field how is that supposed to be done in web2py? Is it done in the 
view? would it be ideal to put the js in the template and then pass params? 

 any named optional attribute is passed to the <form> tag
>             for example _class, _id, _style, _action, _method, etc.
sorry if this doesn't make much sense I'm sure I am just missing the java 
knowledge I'm pretty new to programming and am learning through trial and 


On Friday, December 13, 2013 7:54:48 AM UTC-8, Richard wrote:
> You init the js on the field!!
> Richard
> On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 10:20 AM, Kevin Bethke 
> <<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Well actually I got one more question: How do you change the standard 
>> form from web2py, to use the bsmselect form? 
>> On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 4:18 PM, Kevin Bethke 
>> <<javascript:>
>> > wrote:
>>> Thanks it explains a lot. I will try to work on it as soon as I got the 
>>> time. Unfortunatly we got a deadline at work which is Christmas. So I will 
>>> probably not work on it till than.
>>> On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 3:53 PM, Richard Vézina 
>>> <<javascript:>
>>> > wrote:
>>>> I am sorry about that...
>>>> Web2py default behavior for list:reference or reference is a HTML 
>>>> Select and option... This is ordered by the navigator base on the spelling 
>>>> of the element... So when you edit your form if you want to maintain the 
>>>> preexisting order (the one that were there when you select items and order 
>>>> them with bsm) you need to set them in order in the select yourself... 
>>>> Bsmselect use OL that is Ordered List instead of UL... But it consume a 
>>>> standard select... So, as long as he get a select with the proper ordered 
>>>> options he can recreate the prexisting order... That is what the js I show 
>>>> you does...
>>>> ordered_values content the list:reference or the reference value that 
>>>> are a simple python list... List are items of list are ordered not like 
>>>> python dict that not preserve order... So I just get the value of the 
>>>> field 
>>>> that is a list object and pass it to the javascript as a list object... 
>>>> then I create option from that list in javascript like you could do in 
>>>> web2py with helpers for instance or by generating html yourself...
>>>> Hope it helps.
>>>> Richard
>>>> On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 7:27 AM, Kevin Bethke 
>>>> <<javascript:>
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> thanks but to be honest now I'm even more confused.
>>>>> why do you need a piece of jquery code in a javascript variable. I 
>>>>> sopose you included the entire jquery library.
>>>>>  Why do you do the ordering with javascript and not with python is 
>>>>> there a special reason for this? I think I just explained the last 
>>>>> question  by looking at the code again. The document ready function is 
>>>>> executed every time you add or remove an element from the list?
>>>>> the javascript variable ordered_values="%s" is filled from the 
>>>>> represent python variable?
>>>>> And my last question do you implement the multiple select into a form?
>>>>> Sry for all those questions but I'm still learning and the need for 
>>>>> this to work really pushes my skills and knowledge beyond its limits.
>>>>> On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 3:49 PM, Richard Vézina 
>>>>> <<javascript:>
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> It's a bit hacky but it works...
>>>>>> :)
>>>>>> Richard
>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 9:48 AM, Richard Vézina <
>>>>>> <javascript:>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Don't bother with the php thing...
>>>>>>> Just look the data structure of the select... 
>>>>>>> Here what I do to restore proper order on update form :
>>>>>>> controller_view_js += """
>>>>>>> var ordered_values = ''%s''; 
>>>>>>> $(document).ready(function() { 
>>>>>>>     if(ordered_values != "None") { 
>>>>>>>         $.each(ordered_values, function(i, val) { 
>>>>>>>             $("select[name=field_name]").append("<option 
>>>>>>> value=\'"+ordered_values[i]+"\'>"+
>>>>>>>                 $("select[name=field_name] 
>>>>>>> option[value="+ordered_values[i]+"]").text()+"</option>"); 
>>>>>>>         }); 
>>>>>>>         $("select[name=field_name] option:selected").remove(); 
>>>>>>>         $.each(ordered_values, function(i, val) { 
>>>>>>>             $("select[name=field_name] 
>>>>>>> option[value="+ordered_values[i]+"]").attr("selected", "selected"); 
>>>>>>>         }); 
>>>>>>>     }; 
>>>>>>> });""" % [int(ID) for ID in ordered_values_query]
>>>>>>> controller_view_js is a variable containing a piece of jquery that I 
>>>>>>> pass to the view from the controller... What it does put the options 
>>>>>>> into 
>>>>>>> the proper order or how they were ordered at the input... All this is 
>>>>>>> because web2py don't use "ol" list out of the box... So I manage thing 
>>>>>>> to 
>>>>>>> not require ol.
>>>>>>> The ordered_values_query contain the value of the field field_name 
>>>>>>> for the given record...
>>>>>>> I had to set a representation like this too :
>>>>>>> represent=lambda values, row: ', '.join(map(lambda id: 
>>>>>>> db.ref_referenced_table(id).represent_field, values)) if values != [] 
>>>>>>> or 
>>>>>>> None else T('N/A')
>>>>>>> Hope it helps.
>>>>>>> Richard
>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 4:07 AM, BlueShadow 
>>>>>>> <<javascript:>
>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>> thanks for your offer I'm working my way through the example code 
>>>>>>>> but my biggest problem is that php site. I don't know php. But from 
>>>>>>>> what I 
>>>>>>>> get from the php code is that all the sample cities need to be in an 
>>>>>>>> unordered list environment <ul><li></li>...</ul>
>>>>>>>> but this form part of the bsmselect example really confuses me.
>>>>>>>> <h1>Example 1: Typical Usage</h1>
>>>>>>>> <form action="./example_results.php" method="post">
>>>>>>>>     <label for="cities1">What are your favorite cities?</label>
>>>>>>>>     <select id="cities1" multiple="multiple" name="cities[]" 
>>>>>>>> title="Click to Select a City" class="sminit">
>>>>>>>>       <option>Amsterdam</option>
>>>>>>>>     </select>
>>>>>>>>     <p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" /></p>
>>>>>>>>   </form>
>>>>>>>> especially the php file in form action=""
>>>>>>>> <?php
>>>>>>>> if(!empty($_POST['submit'])) {
>>>>>>>>   echo "<html>\n<body style='width: 400px; margin: 2em auto; 
>>>>>>>> font-family: Arial;'>";
>>>>>>>>   if(!empty($_POST['cities'])) {
>>>>>>>>     echo "\n<p><strong>You selected the following 
>>>>>>>> cities:</strong></p>\n<ul>";
>>>>>>>>     foreach($_POST['cities'] as $city) {
>>>>>>>>       // exclude any items with chars we don't want, just in case 
>>>>>>>> someone is playing
>>>>>>>>       if(!preg_match('/^[-A-Z0-9\., ]+$/iD', $city)) continue;
>>>>>>>>       // print the city
>>>>>>>>       echo "\n\t<li>" . htmlspecialchars($city) . "</li>";
>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>     echo "\n</ul>";
>>>>>>>>   } else {
>>>>>>>>     echo "\n<p>No items selected</p>";
>>>>>>>>   }
>>>>>>>>   echo "\n<p><a href='index.html'>Try Again?</a></p>";
>>>>>>>>   echo "\n</body>\n</html>";
>>>>>>>> } else {
>>>>>>>>   // if someone arrived here not having started at example.html
>>>>>>>>   // then show example.html instead
>>>>>>>>   require("index.html");
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> It seems to me that there is an entire html document in this php 
>>>>>>>> file. 
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