If the future python support is the main issue, than I'd say you're 
worrying without any need. Support for python 2.x won't simply go away in 
two years, other maintainers will take over if it comes to that. If nothing 
else, Red Hat has taken on a serious commitment to support python 2.x for a 
long long time:

- RHEL 5 ships with python 2.4.3 and will be supported until Q1 2020
- RHEL 6 ships with python 2.6.6 and will be supported until Q4 2023
- RHEL 7 will ship with python 2.7.x and will be supported for 13 years 
after its release (so until 2027, if it ships next year)

I would ask myself:
- does python 3.x bring any advantages that you absolutely must use?
- how much of your future python 2.x code would a) be supported for longer 
than 2027 and b) require a large rewrite to switch to 3.x (can you keep 
your code both 2.x/3.x compatible, or reasonably close)?

A strong "yes" to the first question wold make me *choose* another 
framework. A possibility of the large rewrite would make me *consider*another 

That being said, we use RHEL for our customers and web2py is our framework 
of choice for our current and future projects. YMMW.

Hope this helps a bit.


On Monday, December 9, 2013 4:04:09 PM UTC+1, Carlos Cesar Caballero Díaz 
>  Hello, I've been using web2py for some time, but being close to begin 
> what would be by far the most serious project of my life, has made me 
> wonder, as if support for 2.7 version of python ends in 2 years (maybe a 
> little more), what will happen to web2py when there is no more python 2.x 
> support?
>   Some months ago, I read that it was hardly working on web3py (will 
> substitute web2py in python 3.x), which makes me worry.
>  I read that one of the main problems was that not many people offering to 
> help, 
> so I can give a hand, I'm not super programmer, but I took a few years 
> with python and I like to help those who help me. 

- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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