On 8 Dec 2013, at 12:46 AM, Henry Nguyen <henrynguy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have an application in which users can have sub_users. Within the app, a 
> user can select a sub_user, at which point, all controls become targeted to 
> that selected sub_user. For example, if I select sub_user 1 and then goto 
> "settings/show_settings.html," I want the show_settings.html to show settings 
> only for that sub_user 1. If I navigate to another page, I want the 
> controller and function to again refer only to sub_user 1. I want it to stay 
> like this until I explicitly navigate to another sub_user 2.
> In the case of web2py's URL mapping scheme, I assume this would mean I would 
> have to use 1 as the argument after every function in the URL. What's the 
> best way to go about ensuring this? Is this even the best way?

Consider storing the sub_user ID in your session.

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