Over a year gone, I'm trying again, and still no luck.  At this point, I 
don't even get this error message anymore.  I just get a 500 error when 
trying to access the page.  I've also added in tips/tricks from:


with no luck.

My .htaccess looks like this:

AddHandler fcgid-script .fcgi
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^web2py\.fcgi/ - [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ web2py.fcgi/$1 [L]

My routes_in and routes_out are as follows:

routes_in = (('/web2py/(?P<a>.*)','/\g<a>'),
    # do not reroute admin unless you want to disable it
    (BASE + '/admin', '/admin/default/index'),
    (BASE + '/admin/$anything', '/admin/$anything'),
    # do not reroute appadmin unless you want to disable it
    (BASE + '/$app/appadmin', '/$app/appadmin/index'),
    (BASE + '/$app/appadmin/$anything', '/$app/appadmin/$anything'),
    # do not reroute static files
    (BASE + '/$app/static/$anything', '/$app/static/$anything'),
    # reroute favicon and robots, use exable for lack of better choice
    ('/favicon.ico', '/examples/static/favicon.ico'),
    ('/robots.txt', '/examples/static/robots.txt'),
    # do other stuff
    ((r'.*http://otherdomain\.com.* (?P<any>.*)', r'/app/ctr\g<any>')),
    # remove the BASE prefix
    (BASE + '/$anything', '/$anything'),

# routes_out, like routes_in translates URL paths created with the web2py 
# function in the same manner that route_in translates inbound URL paths.

routes_out = (('/(?P<a>.*)','/web2py/\g<a>'),
    # do not reroute admin unless you want to disable it
    ('/admin/$anything', BASE + '/admin/$anything'),
    # do not reroute appadmin unless you want to disable it
    ('/$app/appadmin/$anything', BASE + '/$app/appadmin/$anything'),
    # do not reroute static files
    ('/$app/static/$anything', BASE + '/$app/static/$anything'),
    # do other stuff
    (r'.*http://otherdomain\.com.* /app/ctr(?P<any>.*)', r'\g<any>'),
    (r'/app(?P<any>.*)', r'\g<any>'),
    # restore the BASE prefix
    ('/$anything', BASE + '/$anything'),

my access.py for the admin is at the latest default for the git pull.

Advice, please?

On Thursday, August 30, 2012 8:04:50 AM UTC-4, Larry Wapnitsky wrote:
> I'm receiving the following message when logging in to the admin interface 
> of web2py on my hostmonster account:
> Login requires a secure (HTTPS) connection or running on localhost.
> I've followed the instructions here:  
> http://www.web2pyslices.com/slice/show/1401/web2py-on-shared-hosting-hostmonster-with-fastcgi
> It appears that this:
> if request.env.http_x_forwarded_for \
>         or request.env.wsgi_url_scheme in ['https', 'HTTPS'] \
>         or request.env.https == 'on':
>     session.secure()
> elif not remote_addr in hosts:
>     raise HTTP(200, T('Admin is disabled because insecure channel'))
> has been changed to this:
> if request.env.http_x_forwarded_for or request.is_https:
>     session.secure()
> elif not request.is_local and not DEMO_MODE:
>     raise HTTP(200, T('Admin is disabled because insecure channel'))
> but commenting it out still does not help.

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