> Q: I need to manipulate database contents in separate functions but if I 
> place the code to a separate module it can't connect to the database.
> How can I access the database from separate module? Should I use the same 
> connection string in them as used in model files (db.py)?

please create module and import it. 
for started, you can move your code into module and add the current for 
(request, response, session, cache, db). 
# for track changes module
from gluon.custom_import import track_changes; track_changes(True)

# for use in modules
from gluon import current
current.auth = auth
current.db = db
current.mail = mail

if request.controller == 'default' and request.function == 'index' :
response.models_to_run = ['db_wizard_0_blog.py', 'menu.py']
elif request.controller == 'createindextable' and request.function == 
'index' :
response.models_to_run = ['db_wizard_0_blog']
elif request.controller == 'populate' and request.function == 'index' :
response.models_to_run = ['db_wizard_0_blog']
response.models_to_run = ['.*']

from gluon import *

def show_0(table):
row = table(current.request.args(0)) or redirect(URL('index'))
return dict(row = row)

after that please import it.
import module_for_default

@cache.action(time_expire = 60, cache_model = cache.ram, session = True, 
  vars = True, lang = True, user_agent = False, public = True)
def index():
    return module_for_default.show_0(db.blog)

ref :

Q: Do I need to create a view for every separate controller? Or can I use 
> the same view in many controllers?

it depend, is the view is reusable by another functions in controller or 
not. if reusable, i think you can use block or function in view.


- Use indexes
> Q: Should indexes be defined in model file after defining tables or 
> somewhere else? So far I have found no difference in performance when 
> defining indexes.

i think yes, you should create table index, 

Indexes are used to quickly locate data without having to search every row 
in a database table every time a database table is accessed. 

taken from wikipedia :

please don't define it on models because it always execute (except you use 
response.models_to_run or module to elimate it). i usually define it on 
controller and access it when needed.
def index():
if db._dbname == 'sqlite':
db.executesql('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_blog ON blog (id, title);') 
elif db._dbname == 'mysql':
db.executesql('CREATE INDEX idx_blog ON blog (id, title);')
redirect(URL('default', 'index'))

best regards,

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