I'm with Niphlod on moving this to developers forum.

As a newbie on front end framework and implementing it to web2py, here are 
some issues/topics I went through:

1) How layout.html works and can be changed
2) What are the additional web2py ajax and js functions and which ones I 
need and which ones I can replace
3) How to customize forms and add new classes to them (this has several 
ways to do it)

I think I have now some idea of these and have been able to implement 
bootstrap 3 pretty well. However, it was pain to find the necessary 
information from the manual, this forum, google and so on. The information 
is in the manual, but for me it was not easy to find.

So maybe we should have one section in the manual for "implementing a front 
end framework to web2py", which would cover all aspects. And maybe improve 
some parts of the code to make it easier to customize (I'm not sure if this 
is even needed).


On Tuesday, October 22, 2013 12:19:04 AM UTC+3, Niphlod wrote:
> PR sent for 2.3.2 .
> PS: maybe we should move the discussion to web2py-developers on the plans 
> to easy up working with new css frameworks and web2py
> On Monday, October 21, 2013 10:55:34 PM UTC+2, Paolo Caruccio wrote:
>> twbs versions after the 2.2.2 up to 2.3.2 did not introduce significant 
>> changes. Version 3.0, instead, is a revolution. We can say that is a 
>> different framework. Consequently, although it is easy to create a layout 
>> based on twbs 3.0, it is complicated to adjust some components that are 
>> pre-built in web2py such as forms and grids to name the main ones.
>> In a previous 
>> discussion<https://groups.google.com/d/msg/web2py/ZzRYjegMHw8/8GCYcgu8z40J>Niphlod
>>  and Anthony had suggested to create a file in gluon/contrib.
>> Personally, I started to write some code in a module but it's at an early 
>> stage. I do not know if anyone else is working on this.
>> Edit: I forgot the most important thing +1 to 2.3.2
>> Il giorno lunedì 21 ottobre 2013 21:58:06 UTC+2, Niphlod ha scritto:
>>> Need to change all widgets to pass to bootstrap3. I remember someone 
>>> working on it....but of course it's keeping for himself :-P
>>> Before doing that (pass to 3), we should figure out:
>>> - something to set all methods for formstyle to be homogeneous among all 
>>> the app
>>> - a contrib "way" to make module for formstyles and widgets
>>> Passing from 2.2.2 to 2.3.2 is harmless, at least for my apps.
>>> On Monday, October 21, 2013 9:29:38 PM UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>>> If somebody sends me a git pull request, I will apply it but shouldn't 
>>>> we jump to bootstrap 3?

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