I am going to give it a go right now.

On Wednesday, October 16, 2013 7:18:33 PM UTC-5, Anthony wrote:
> Actually, I'm not sure this is the right data model. Presumably the 
> product table should include just one record per product, so you don't want 
> to store a sale id in the product table. If each sale can include only one 
> product, then you want a product reference field in the sale table. If each 
> sale can include multiple products, then you probably want a separate 
> "items" table where each record references a sale and a product (i.e., for 
> a many-to-many relationship between products and sales). Another option 
> would be to include a list:reference field in the sale table to store a 
> list of references to multiple products (this is a simpler model but can 
> make it less efficient to do various types of aggregate analyses, such as 
> calculating number of sales per product).
> Anthony
> On Wednesday, October 16, 2013 8:03:14 PM UTC-4, raferbop wrote:
>> Thanks Anthony, the default argument, which I am assuming is "default=
>> auth.user_id", inserts the user id into the sales table. But what 
>> argument should I use to insert the sale_id into the products table, very 
>> much in the same way the  default=auth.user_id inserst the user id in 
>> the db.sale. 
>> On Wednesday, October 16, 2013 6:22:12 PM UTC-5, Anthony wrote:
>>> db.sale.user_id.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, 'auth_user.id')
>>> The above line is unnecessary, as you get the IS_IN_DB validator 
>>> automatically by default.
>>>> This is an improvement on what I had. But I am not sure if I applied 
>>>> the code correctly because the 'user_id' and 'sale_id' have been converted 
>>>> into a drop-down list, as opposed to being automatically populated.
>>> The values won't be populated automatically unless you specify an actual 
>>> value (you can do so via the "default" argument).
>>> Anthony

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