On Thursday, October 10, 2013 12:49:10 PM UTC-7, Paolo Caruccio wrote:
> Maybe the issue is due to bad ajax caching in opera. 
> @Dave S
> Please replace the function "load_file(url)" in 
> "admin/static/js/ajax_editors_js" file with:

Short answer:  I still got a blank page within the nav-bar, a simple F5 
filled it in.  I'll try again later, in case it's a 2-step cleanup.

Details:  I stopped the server (^C in the window with the web2py console), 
used an external editor to rename the old function and paste the candidate 
version in.  Restarted tje server, went to the admin app's page of the 
target application's files, and selected one with the "edit" button.  Left 
slider, nav-bar, and footer appeared, but no file contents until I 
refreshed.   I will exit Opera in a bit, and the restart and recheck the 


function load_file(url) {
>   jQuery.ajax({
>     type: "GET",
>     contentType: 'application/json',
>     cache: false,
>     dataType: 'json',
>     url: url,
>     timeout: 1000,
>     success: function (json) {
>       if(typeof (json['plain_html']) !== undefined) {
>         console.log(json['id']);
>         if(jQuery('#' + json['id']).length === 0 || json['force'] === true
> ) {
>           // Create a tab and put the code in it
>           var tab_header = '<li><a href="#' + json['id'] + '" 
> data-toggle="tab">' + json['filename'] + '<button type="button" 
> class="close">&times;</button></a></li>';
>           var tab_body = '<div id="' + json['id'] + '" class="tab-pane 
> fade in " >' + json['plain_html'] + '</div>';
>           if(json['force'] === false) {
>             jQuery('#filesTab').append(jQuery(tab_header));
>             jQuery('#myTabContent').append(jQuery(tab_body));
>           } else {
>             jQuery('#' + json['id']).html(jQuery(tab_body));
>           }
>         }
>         jQuery("a[href='#" + json['id'] + "']").click();
>       }
>     },
>     error: function (x) {
>       on_error();
>     }
>   });
> }
> and report if the issue is solved. In the latter case we will submit a 
> patch on issue tracker.
> Il giorno mercoledì 9 ottobre 2013 22:53:35 UTC+2, Dave S ha scritto:
>> On Wednesday, October 9, 2013 1:34:11 PM UTC-7, Niphlod wrote:
>>> does it happen only on opera? if yes, what build on what os ?
>> Seems to happen on Firefox 18 on Fedora 16, but the CTRL-F5 works without 
>> requiring an F5 after.
>> Opera is 12.16 Build 1860 , and it describes the OS as i686, 
>> 3.6.10-2.fc16.i686.PAE
>> Those are the two browsers local to the server; I may try remote access 
>> later.
>> /dps
>> On Wednesday, October 9, 2013 10:20:49 PM UTC+2, Dave S wrote:
>>>> On Tuesday, October 8, 2013 11:23:31 AM UTC-7, Niphlod wrote:
>>>>> On Tuesday, October 8, 2013 7:36:45 PM UTC+2, Dave S wrote:
>>>>>> On Monday, October 7, 2013 11:45:14 PM UTC-7, Niphlod wrote:
>>>>>>> I think you just need to ctrl+f5 reloading the cache of the browser. 
>>>>>>> If anyone isn't able to edit files through the admin app, it would rain 
>>>>>>> hell on web2py's developers :P
>>>>>> You are right again, sir.  Thank goodness for people who know what 
>>>>>> they are doing (and usually, what we are doing, too).
>>>>>> /dps
>>>>> If it was a bug, it was a hell of one big bug. I mean, it **could** 
>>>>> happen that a release is made turning some feature on or off, but being 
>>>>> unable to edit files was too big to pass unnoticed. 
>>>> Hmmm, each time I go to edit for the first time after restarting the 
>>>> browser, I need to do CTRL-F5, usually followed by an F5 to load the CSS. 
>>>>  Is this an Opera issue, a setting in the browser cache, or are the 
>>>> default 
>>>> headers encouraging this behavior?
>>>> /dps

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