def echo():
    value = request.post_vars.f_item_category
    filtered_sub = db(db.t_sub_categories.f_category_id == 
    return  dict(filtered_sub = filtered_sub)


<select id='t_items_f_item_subcategory' class='generic-widget' 
         <option value=''></option>
         {{for f in filtered_sub:}}
         <option value='{{}}'>test</option>

It injects into the target div a whole page (layout.html) and inside, it 
renders "ECHO" then  the filtered_sub results as a table, + design, 
reqwest, response, session, db tables and db stats buttons under it.

On Thursday, October 10, 2013 9:03:10 PM UTC+3, Avi A wrote:
> Exactly Starting now...
> On Thursday, October 10, 2013 8:02:40 PM UTC+3, Derek wrote:
>> Any luck?
>> On Tuesday, October 8, 2013 6:29:03 AM UTC-7, Avi A wrote:
>>> Still stuck with that...
>>> Thanks.
>>> On Saturday, October 5, 2013 5:29:37 PM UTC+3, Avi A wrote:
>>>> def echo():
>>>>     value = request.post_vars.f_item_category
>>>>     filtered_sub = db(db.t_sub_categories.f_category_id == 
>>>> value).select(db.t_sub_categories.ALL,orderby=db.t_sub_categories.f_sub_category_name,
>>>> cache=(cache.ram,10),cacheable=True)
>>>>     filtered_sub = dict(filtered_sub = filtered_sub)
>>>>     select_header = "<select id='t_items_f_item_subcategory' 
>>>> class='generic-widget' name='f_item_subcategory'> \
>>>>          <option value=''></option>"
>>>>     select_footer = '</select>'
>>>>     def select_body():
>>>>         for f in filtered_sub:
>>>>             #return "<option value=''>" + f.f_item_subcategory + 
>>>> "</option>"
>>>>             return 'test'
>>>>     return select_footer + select_body() + select_footer
>>>> This will render 'test' just once(where expected more).
>>>> I think the problem is that the filtered_sub = dict() from some reason.
>>>> If I replace the return 'test' with:
>>>> return "<option value=''>" + f.f_item_subcategory + "</option>"
>>>> It flashes an error.
>>>> Thanks. 
>>>> On Saturday, October 5, 2013 10:32:43 AM UTC+3, Avi A wrote:
>>>>> Thanks. Yes, I will look carefully, but it looks like the html is in 
>>>>> the controller.
>>>>> On Saturday, October 5, 2013 2:31:10 AM UTC+3, Derek wrote:
>>>>>> This question gets asked frequently here, there should be a FAQ 
>>>>>> somewhere and this should be in it...
>>>>>> Is this what you want?
>>>>>> On Friday, October 4, 2013 2:04:41 PM UTC-7, Avi A wrote:
>>>>>>> I was exactly pasting it actually :).
>>>>>>> def echo():
>>>>>>>     value = request.post_vars.f_item_category
>>>>>>>     filtered_sub=db(db.t_sub_categories.f_category_id == 
>>>>>>> value).select(db.t_sub_categories.ALL,orderby=db.t_sub_categories.f_sub_category_name,
>>>>>>> cache=(cache.ram,10),cacheable=True)
>>>>>>>    return dict(filtered_sub=filtered_sub)
>>>>>>>  <select id="t_items_f_item_subcategory" class="generic-widget" 
>>>>>>> name="f_item_subcategory">
>>>>>>>             <option value=""></option>
>>>>>>>             {{for f in filtered_sub:}}
>>>>>>>             <option value="{{
>>>>>>> }}">{{=f.f_item_subcategory}}</option>
>>>>>>>             {{pass}}
>>>>>>>         </select>
>>>>>>> On Friday, October 4, 2013 11:26:24 PM UTC+3, Avi A wrote:
>>>>>>>> One more question please,
>>>>>>>> so now I have to build the filtered (with the value) sub categories 
>>>>>>>> select object's html in the controller and return into the target div?
>>>>>>>> On Friday, October 4, 2013 11:08:30 PM UTC+3, Avi A wrote:
>>>>>>>>> That works...Awesome thanks. 
>>>>>>>>> On Friday, October 4, 2013 10:14:37 PM UTC+3, Niphlod wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> you where trying the exact same thing on the onselect, and I left 
>>>>>>>>>> it there as it was.
>>>>>>>>>> If you want to send the value of the selected item as a post 
>>>>>>>>>> variable, use 
>>>>>>>>>> ajax('echo', '#t_items_f_item_category', 'target')
>>>>>>>>>> you'll get request.post_vars.f_item_category filled in the echo 
>>>>>>>>>> function.
>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, October 4, 2013 9:52:42 AM UTC+2, Avi A wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> This test returns none:
>>>>>>>>>>> def echo():
>>>>>>>>>>>     return request.vars.value if request.vars else 'None'
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, October 3, 2013 8:18:15 PM UTC+3, Avi A wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to use the ajax function on a list , with no success 
>>>>>>>>>>>> so far.
>>>>>>>>>>>> def echo():
>>>>>>>>>>>>     return request.vars.value
>>>>>>>>>>>> <select class="generic-widget" id="t_items_f_item_category" 
>>>>>>>>>>>> name="f_item_category">
>>>>>>>>>>>>     <option value=""></option>
>>>>>>>>>>>>     {{for c in category:}}
>>>>>>>>>>>>     <option value='{{}}' onselect="ajax('echo', 
>>>>>>>>>>>> ['{{}}'],'target')" 
>>>>>>>>>>>> >{{=c.f_category_name}}</option>
>>>>>>>>>>>>     {{pass}}
>>>>>>>>>>>> </select>
>>>>>>>>>>>> <div id='target'></div>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>> On Friday, October 4, 2013 11:59:54 PM UTC+3, Niphlod wrote:
>>>>>>>> are you asking to me to read your mind ? :D
>>>>>>>> On Friday, October 4, 2013 10:26:24 PM UTC+2, Avi A wrote:
>>>>>>>>> One more question please,
>>>>>>>>> so now I have to build the filtered (with the value) sub 
>>>>>>>>> categories select object's html in the controller and return into the 
>>>>>>>>> target div?
>>>>>>>>> On Friday, October 4, 2013 11:08:30 PM UTC+3, Avi A wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> That works...Awesome thanks. 
>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, October 4, 2013 10:14:37 PM UTC+3, Niphlod wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> you where trying the exact same thing on the onselect, and I 
>>>>>>>>>>> left it there as it was.
>>>>>>>>>>> If you want to send the value of the selected item as a post 
>>>>>>>>>>> variable, use 
>>>>>>>>>>> ajax('echo', '#t_items_f_item_category', 'target')
>>>>>>>>>>> you'll get request.post_vars.f_item_category filled in the echo 
>>>>>>>>>>> function.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, October 4, 2013 9:52:42 AM UTC+2, Avi A wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> This test returns none:
>>>>>>>>>>>> def echo():
>>>>>>>>>>>>     return request.vars.value if request.vars else 'None'
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, October 3, 2013 8:18:15 PM UTC+3, Avi A wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to use the ajax function on a list , with no 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> success so far.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> def echo():
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     return request.vars.value
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <select class="generic-widget" id="t_items_f_item_category" 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> name="f_item_category">
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     <option value=""></option>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     {{for c in category:}}
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     <option value='{{}}' onselect="ajax('echo', 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ['{{}}'],'target')" 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >{{=c.f_category_name}}</option>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     {{pass}}
>>>>>>>>>>>>> </select>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <div id='target'></div>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.

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